Chapter 11

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She ran until her lungs gave out. She rested against a tree trying to catch her breath.

A car pulled up nest to where she stood. She was too breathless to even worry about that.

The window rolled down and she noticed who the driver was.

"Elle?" Colton was surprised to see her like that.

"Hey Colton..." Elle said breathless; it just wasn't a good moment.

"Is everything okay?"

"Uh," no, it wasn't; but she wasn't going to tell him that. "Yeah, I'm just a little overwhelmed, that's all," she smiled hoping it would convince him.

"Maybe we could, uh, go somewhere? Maybe that will help you clear you mind?" he said with a selling smile.

It wasn't a good moment for Elle, but maybe that was exactly what she needed. Plus she didn't feel like seeing Isaac again just yet.

In that moment, it didn't sound like a bad idea to go with Colton.

"If you don't mind, then why not?" She laughed breathily.

Colton reached over the passenger seat to open the door and Elle hoped in.

"Where are we going?" Elle asked intrigued.

"You'll see," Colton smirked.

Meanwhile, Isaac paced back and forth through Elle's room. He was just as overwhelmed as Elle was, maybe even more. He wouldn't admit it, but taking care of the locket for so many years had taken its toll on him. He was exhausted, he longed to be able to cross to the other side and be reunited with his family and friends, like he was supposed to so many years ago. But he knew he couldn't; he had to protect the locket, and now, after discovering what Elle was capable of doing with the locket, he had to protect her more than ever. Isaac had grown very fond of Elle, maybe even more than that; their twisted friendship had become something that neither of them expected, or realized; but were soon to discover.

Elle and Colton made small talk during the car drive.

At one point their hands brushed when they both went to change the radio station; both of them retracted their hands in embarrassment, but that wasn't what made its way into Elle's mind.

Although it was only a quick brush, Colton's hand gave her a bad feeling. His hand was very cold, and she would even go as far as saying that it felt, lifeless. Kind of like Isaac's hands, but the difference was that although Isaac was a ghost, there was a certain depth to the way his hands felt.

Elle decided to ignore it. It was probably something stupid, and she had decided on going with Colton to forget about everything that was happening with Isaac and the locket.

When Elle paid attention to the road again she was confused to see that they were pulling up to what seemed to be a warehouse in the middle of nowhere.

A new sense of worry was washing over her.

"Where are we?" she asked with a barely noticeable tremble in her voice.

"This is where I come to be alone and clear my mind; come on, let's go in!" Colton said with an encouraging smile that soon turned into a malicious smirk when Elle wasn't facing him.

They walked the short path from the car to the inside of the warehouse.

With a swift movement of his hand, Colton closed the door behind them.

Elle looked around her in the empty warehouse, a frown growing on her face.

"Colton, I'm sorry but I don't see the point in being here, maybe we should-"

"That's a very pretty necklace Elle," he cut her abruptly. "Would you mind if I see it?"

Now, Elle considered Colton her friend, but she knew better than just handing him the locket.

"Um, I don't think that would be a good idea, you see, it's a family antique and-"

She was pressed against the wall in less than a second, Colton's forearm pushed against her throat.

"Elle I thought you were smarter than that, but I guess I should of expected it when you didn't put two and two together earlier than now," he pronounced his words carefully, slowly, while tilting his head slightly to the side.

She felt just as stupid as he made her to be. How could she not have guessed that all this time he was the person from whom they had to protect the locket? Even Isaac warned her about him. Maybe she should start listening to him more.

She was gasping for air, the panic fogging her mind of all the reasonable solutions.

She closed her eyes and wished that the locket would do its job.

"Get off me," she commanded to the best of her ability.

As if magic--- it kind of was--- Colton backed off of her, Elle doubled in pain and choked for air.

"Stay there!" she commanded.

He stood frozen in his place with an unimpressed smirk on his face, "I see you learnt how to use the locket, huh? Did the little guardian teach you?" he mocked.

"Oh my God, Isaac..." for a moment, Elle completely forgot about him.

"Well, let me tell you, that I've got some tricks too," he laughed lowly.

With a movement of his hand he pulled Elle closer to him through the air. He grasped at the locket to bring her even closer but was topped from ripping it off her neck when a gush of wind sent him flying to the other side of the room.

Elle turned around to see Isaac standing there, a determined look on his features.

"I don't think I've ever been this happy for you creeping up on me," she laughed with relief.

"I told you so," Isaac remarked, referring to Colton.

"Not right now Isaac."

"Yeah, not right now Isaac," Colton mimicked.

He smirked at the sight of a slightly bended metal bar lying on the ground; he picked it up in the air and threw it in Elle's and Isaac's direction.

They dodged it just in time. Elle looked downwards to the floor and saw a long vine that came from a broken window; she held it in her hand and hoped that what she was about to do worked.

She recalled to earlier that day when she gave life to the figurines.

The vine started growing more and more, it moved carefully across the floor and wrapped itself around Colton's limbs, stopping him from moving around.

"Apparently it works on plants too..." Isaac mumbled dumbfounded with wide eyes.

Colton struggled against the vine, trying to break free from it.

"How did she do that?!"

"She's special, the locket chose her for a reason," said Isaac confidently.

Isaac was correct, there was a reason, just not what they thought. 

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