How I Fall

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Ceclia,that was her name. The lonly chick always lurking in the shadows. Her life was very diffrent from ordinary teenagers. She was unliked and hated by almost everyone. She has porlicin skin with with a kinda orangish red color hair,it was extremly long, all the way down to her knees,and extremly curly. Her eyes were a piecering, memorizing, deep green. No one quite understood her. In every asspect she was diffrent. She looked diffrent,talked diffrent,acted diffrent,and because of all of this she was treated diffrent. People make fun of her because she's odd. It's not fair,it never has been. She's mistreated. It's just another typical day at school for Ceclia,walking around and down the halls, all the smirks, the laughter, the torment. Will it ever end? She cant walk into first peroid without being neverous. It's a new school year, the first day. A new school. Neverousness kicks in. Ceclia takes her rightful spot in the front of the class. She sits in the front of every class,every school, every year. Hoping things would change. Ceclia was daydreaming about what she was thinking about doing the night before,she was so close yet so far. "Welcome class! To a new school year." the teacher bellowed it as if she wanted to be here or something. Maybe she still hasn't gotton over her summer feeling. No one really has yet. It's the first day. Everyone is saying Hi to old friends. Picking on new students and the dorks, nerds, and all the oddballs. Ceclia was diffrent from everyone. She didn't make a good first impresion. She came to school in black jeans, a black tee, black combat boots, her curley orangish hair tumbling down everywhere. She could barly keep her mind or her eyes focused on any one thing."Class? I know is a new school year and you all just want to talk to your friends and catch up and all, but I must explain my procedures,the sooner i'm done the sooner i'll let you talk to your friends,Deal?" The class looked shocked to hear the teacher say this. It was truly unexpected."DEAL!" the class said in union ,all but me anyway. I didn't have anyone to talk to or hang out with in all honesty, so, the class flew by quickly, my other classes flew by just as quickly. It's seems as if all the teachers and students just want to get the day over. I don't blame them. I wanted it to go by even quicker than they did. I knew I didnt belong. I just wanted to disapper. I stayed in the shadows all day. But it's only six peroid. I still have another class where I have to hide in the front and hope no ones notices me. I was hoping that if my last period went by quickly enough, then l would have survived the day. for the most part I just hid in the shadows and paid attention to the teachers. It's what i'm good at. Finally six period was over,now I was walkiing all the way across compass for my last class,slipping through the crowds with ease,I walked in and almost all the seats were full, there was table not desks, there was only a couple other people in the front table, I sat there as far away from the other people as I could get, there was plently of open seats in a way. But l mainly just prefer to be alone, less complication. "Hello! I'm Ronaldo" my train of thought was completely interrupted by this guy all of a sudden sitting next to me, I looked around trying to figure out who he was talkiing to, but I didn't see anyone at all, when I looked back he was staring at me."hello anyone home" he smiled"My name is Ronaldo, whats yours?" he must be talking to me, no one else was around really, and he was looking right at me"well.....?" I looked at him surprised and shocked, "you can see me?" I whispered quietly, he laughed at me, this was a response I was used to, people always laugh at me"of course silly...why wouldnt I be able to?" I was utterly shocked"your name,would you please tell me your name now?" I had to respond,somehow...."c..c..ceclia" He nodded as if in approvel "see now was that so hard?" He smiled at me. This has never happened to me before,honestly I didn't know what to do or how to respond."ceclia?" I looked at him "y...yes?" he stared at me, this was beyond akward, "Do you by chance think a lot or get easily lost in your own train of thought?" he smiled kinda shy like. Awkward alert on high now. "i...i guess so, yes, yes i do" He smiled now more sure in himself,that was easy to tell, I've always known how people feel and their emotions,like a sixth sence or something"it's good to admit what anyone else could easily see, it's makes you a stronger person down inside believe it or not" I was fully ready to just go and continue my thoughts, But for some reason Ronaldo didn't want me to stop talking or to stop looking at him, I could see it in his eyes, begging, pleading me to talk to him. hey what's, the worst that could happen?, here goes "I guess it is good but, I honestly don't know" I smiled back at him, I knew it was shyly but it was the best I could do at the moment. "well it all depends...why don't you tell me about yourself?"

"why would I do that?" I was nervous  "because I'm cuious and because I am asking very nicly"

"why don't you tell me about yourself?"

"Because you tell me something I tell you something that's how this all works" I pondered that for a second "it does huh?" he nodded "well then what would you like to know about me?" He seemed to ponder this quite hard, ten minutes went by and I started drawing again, thinking he must have givin up or just doesnt care, another five minutes went by, I finshed my picture of a dragon in flight"WOW THATS AWESOME!!" He completly scared me, I almost jumped out of my chair. "Anyway, I figured it out" I put the drawing away and stared at him "figured what out?"

"what I want to know about you!" he was thinking about me...Wow! "and that might be?..." he smirked,"in truth I wanna know everything, you seem to need a friend, I'm willing to fill in if there are no other volunteers, but right now I guess I'll stick with whatever your willing to tell me and in return I'll tell you something about me I guess, fair is fair right?" I was totally shocked,n"y...y...yea I guess so I don't really know what to believe or say so, but fair is fair I guess..." The period seemed to end right there,the bell rang"Bye ceclia I hope to see you tommrow"He waved and left quickly. I grabbed my stuff and walked out of class, down the stairs and into the fresh air. Down the long corridors I marched wanting to go home,there seemed to be a endless row of lockers that none of the students could use, But I couldn't really concentrat long enough to focus on where I was going, I walk home so I didn't have to worry about a bus or anything. I dug into my black demiem jeans and pulled out my mp3 and a hair tie. I took my mop of a head of hair, the feiry orange that has gotten my picked on for so many years, I just put my hair up in a simple pony tail, and kept walking. I plugged my head phones in just as I got out of the school gates and was on my way home. Looking thourgh my playlist, I went passed the korn,advenged sevenfold.disturbed,five finger death punch, skillet, daft punk,eminem, I finally found halestrom, I had to find the right song now,or maybe create a new playlist. yea, I think I'll do that, new playlist. I pressed the button,choose songs for playlist....ok well this might be easy to make yet another playlist... how about I hate when you see me cry, Daughters of Darkness, A familer taste of poison, I miss the misery, I'm not an angel, beautiful with you by Halestrom, and madness in me, monster, hero, awake and alive, not gonna die, circus for a psyco, falling inside black, everything goes black, would it matter, Dead inside by skillet,and how about some harder,better,faster,stronger; something about us, digital love, technologic, robot rock by daft punk. I could always add more music later this will have to do for now I guess. Playlist on shuffle, not caring where or when I get anywhere anymore. I just wanna lose myself. I trudged home in silence deep in thought.

How I Fall {On hold going back and editing spelling errors and such sorry}Where stories live. Discover now