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it was the middle of the night. i was crying. i was trying to sleep. i cry myself to sleep at night. i could feel myself finally drifting off. i can't  dream. i have some sleeping conditions. I've been told, when i do dream its very rare. also that they have some significant meaning to them. even if they seem unbelievable or like fantasy or myth. that they have some kind of sign or its a way for my mind to tell me things must change. I've also been told that some of them turn out to be the future. because id have the dream before the event even occurs. doctors have told me that because of my over active imagination, and due to the condition of no dreams. that on highly rare occasions i do dream it will always seem outrageous and unbelievable. but it will almost always be a sign of something that may to be to come. but i was finally falling asleep. i was still thinking about Ronaldo. i have been thinking about him all day. i was so tired. my watery eyes began to droop. i couldn't keep them open any longer. i was letting my mind slip into my subconscious.

(within the dreaming mind of ceclia)

i was lying on the bleachers at school. no one was around. why am i in a long black dress? it feels like silk! i heard some rustling from the trees above "hello is someone there?" more rustling. i sat up. "hello?"

"hello Ceclia" i wanted to freak out."who are you?!?"

"why Ceclia that's rude, you know who i am...i see you practically everyday!" i had to think real hard on who it could be."oh, don't tell me you don't know!" the figure jumped from the tree. i couldn't keep my breath. i gasped. it was RONALDO! " R...R...Ron..Ronald..o?"

" yes Ceclia its me." he smiled. i began to pant. i realized i was standing i tried to sit back down. i felt as if i was going to faint. Ronaldo grabbed me and pulled me into his arms. " i'm sorry"

"for what Ronaldo?"

"for i have frighten you."

"no I'm just a bit woozy. i just didn't expect to see you"

"oh yea..." he wrapped me tighter in his arms."I've got you please stop being upset" i was practically smashed against his chest. I'm taller then him. but now he was taller than me. i put my hands on his chest and pushed slighty so i could look him in the eyes. "Ronaldo" he looked into my eyes. i felt as if i was to melt. "yes, Ceclia"

"i...i.." he pulled me back into his arms. " no words Ceclia, its ok I'm here now" i couldn't talk. i just laid my head on his chest as he held me. slowly i began to cry. the pressure was getting to me again. all the abuse that almost everyone had been causing me. just because they don't understand me. it wasn't fair. i made no sound. i just let the tears flow. until i realized where i once again was. I'm standing here in a long black silk dress. while i can see Ronaldo i wearing a black suit. it felt, as if it too, were made of silk. at school. in Ronaldos arms. but i...i...i liked it. i liked Ronaldo holding me. it shows he really cares. i felt something feathery rub against my back. my muscles grew tense. "are you afraid, Ceclia?" Ronaldo whispered into my ear. "no...i...what was that?" i was afraid. but i couldn't move i was paralyzed."you may look" Ronaldo. he turned me around now my back was against his chest i didn't want to see the tears, so i closed my eyes. " open your eyes Ceclia" i could feel his warm breath on my neck. i leaned my head back a little. my heart began to race. "open them Ceclia, there is no reason to fear." i opened my eyes. the sight set before me, completely blew me away. Ronaldo. HE HAD WINGS!!! Beautiful, majestic Angel wings. they were a deep sunset orange. with fine thin lines of black through out them. i felt as i was to faint they were just so beautiful. "i got you, it shocks you to see these i suppose."

"not really Ronaldo,its just..."

" you never would have guessed i have, well in the real world i don't bit here on your dreams. i do." he spun me back around to face him." look, Ceclia i know you are upset" i closed my eyes to hide the tears." and i wanna make you feel better and happy" he wrapped me in his arms, his wings enfolding us, he lifted my chin with his finger. and...."don't push me away...please" he whispered. with that i felt his lips brush against mine slightly, then he wrapped an arm around my neck and shoulders, he pulled his lips to mine, my eyes still closed. then he.kissed me. and, well i liked it. i kissed him back. we stood there in each others arms.

I woke up gasping, and then i instantly blushed. i actually began to giggle a little. i brought my hands to my face and lips. i stopped my hands just before they reached my lips. i knew it was all a dream. but it felt so real. i didn't know what to think off it. if all my dreams were a kind of sign. then what did all of this mean?...

How I Fall {On hold going back and editing spelling errors and such sorry}Where stories live. Discover now