Chapter 3

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Enoch and Lily were technically in their 80's when Horace predicted Abe's grandson, Jacob, arriving. Enoch was in an extra grumpy mood the next day since he never got along with Abe in the first place but Lily was overjoyed to have a new friend.

When Olive, Millard and Emma came back with Jake, Lily wanted to meet him instantly. She walked into the kitchen to see Olive making tea and she decided to help out while waiting for are guest.

When Miss Peregrine arrived in the kitchen with who Lily assumed to be Jake, her smile brightened and she made her way over to the pair " Hello Jake! My name is-" "Your Lily! My grandpa told me about you. You can heal anything right?" Jake interrupted me. " Yeah that's me" She said shaking his hand.

Lily noticed Enoch in the background with his hands full of jars and went to help him but he stopped me saying "Don't bother, I wouldn't want to interrupt your tea party" and with that he left. She was shocked, Enoch may have had attitude towards the others but never with her.Lily gave Jake a look of pity before going after Enoch. When She caught up to him he was already in his room, sorting through his jars of different organs. " Why are you so upset?" She asked from the doorway.

He stopped messing with his jars and looked at her briefly before returning to what he was doing " Your all going to get attached and then he's going to leave and everyone will be sad again, he'll be just like Abe" he said.

Lily walked further into his room " you have to at least give him a chance Enoch " I said, he scoffed and looked up at me " He's exactly like Abe, it's his grandson!" He said, Lily frowned " You don't know that" She said " look at you! You've had one conversation with him and already you don't want him to leave!" He said, raising his voice.

Lily sighed, fed up with all the negativity, and walked out of the room. Sometimes it was best to let Enoch have his moments. Lily walked into her room that wasn't to far from Enoch's and sat down by the window, watching as Jake tied a rope around Emma's waist. Was Enoch right? She thought, but surely Jake would be different, She just knew it.


It was dinner time and Lily sat between her two best friends, Enoch and Olive, awaiting for the arrival of Jake and Emma. Once they walked in an awkward silence took over all the conversations in the room.

As Emma seated herself in her chair, Jake had went to sit beside her only to find Millard " Hey! What are you doing?" He said. Miss Peregrine scolded him about putting clothes on and Jake resumed taking his seat " You can come sit here if you would like Jake" Lily said as Olive pointed to the empty seat next to her but he just shuffled in his seat.

"Look at Enoch he's jealous" Horace said, Enoch, who had been glaring at Jake, fixed is gaze to Horace and leaned forward " Why would I be jealous? Lily can go and marry Jake for all I care" he said " Don't be mean Enoch she doesn't want to, she's just excited to have a new friend" Fiona said and Lily gave her a thankful smile which she returned.

"No one is marrying anyone, now eat up before your food gets cold " Miss Peregrine said sternly. Everyone resumed eating when suddenly bees were swarming everywhere, a chorused "Hugh!" Was said by the children as they started swatting the bees away.

Unlike the others, Lily laughed as one of Hugh's bees landed on her hand and started crawling around. The moment didn't last long as Hugh sucked in all of the bees and put his net on and conversations started again.

" It must be so weird meeting all of your grandfathers friends and visiting a different century!" Fiona said, Lily zoned out of the conversation, thinking about a flower she wanted to paint, until Enoch started talking " Why would he want to stay when he can go out into the real world and grow old and have children. He'll leave just like his grandfather" he said bitterly.

Emma slammed her utensils and unbuckled herself from her chair, stomping out of the room as Millard walked in. " Where's she going?" He said but seemed to stop caring as he took his seat in between one of the twins and Bronwyn.

After Enoch got scolded and conversation started about why Abe left, Lily also left the dinning room stating she wasn't hungry anymore but Enoch knew better than to believe that lie, Lily was always hungry. And that's how Enoch knew he had messed up.


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