Chapter 9

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They had regrouped on the beach.

"I'm sorry Jake." Fiona started, "What do we do now?"

"Is there any sign of Barron with Miss Peregrine and Lily?" Jake asked.

Enoch flinched at the reminder of his Lily being held captive by a crazy man. He glared at the ground, still determined to save her.

Olive was the one who answered Jake's question, "Gone. Barron must've had a boat"

" Well, we have to go after them." Jake said, "We know he's taking them to Blackpool."

Enoch wanted nothing more than to do just that, but he also had no clue how to do so. " How exactly are we going to go after them?" he questioned, Millard nodded in agreement before adding, "The next ferry doesn't go for hours. We'll never make it in time."

Just as Enoch started to lose hope, Jake gave an answer that seemed to confuse everyone but Emma,

"Not unless we go by boat too"


Emma had risen a ship from underwater.

The children all climbed aboard the ship and gathered on the bridge to come up with a plan.

"This is Miss Avocet's loop." Jake started while pointing to a place marked on a map. "It's only 6 months old. Which is pretty new. But, if we don't get out before it closes, we're stuck in January 2016." He continued.

"That means we all die," Enoch started with a glare, "Apart from you, of course. Plan?"

A part of Enoch was still upset that Jake had caused Lily to get caught, but all he really wanted was a plan to get her out of that tower.

Jake continued, "The loop closes at 4:30. That means we have to get in, rescue the Ymbrynes and Lily, and then get out"

Enoch scoffed, to him it didn't sound like much of a plan. "If we're not already dead. Miss Avocet said the machine is in the cellar of the Blackpool Tower building. That means it'll be indoors...with Hollows"

He could only pray they didn't touch her.

"No, we don't." Jake replied, "I've got a plan. But I'm gonna need your help"


Jake, Emma, and Millard went inside the tower to demand that Barron bring Miss Peregrine and the other Ymbrynes along with Lily to the end of the pier in five minutes time.

In the meantime, Enoch's job was to resurrect as many skeletons as he could to fight the Hollow's as the rest of the children collected candy to make the Hollows more visible.

The children had started to throw snowballs at the Hollows before throwing the candy as well. It was at that moment that you could now see the Hollows when Enoch released the mini skeleton army.

If Lily was here she would have laughed. 

After the skeletons had finished off the Hollows, the peculiars had regrouped once more.

"Alright. Good job, guys" Jake said, "Now it's time for step two"

"Save Miss Peregrine and Lily!" Bronwyn exclaimed.

"Uh, t-that's sort of step three." Jake stuttered, " First we gotta deal with Barron"

Enoch had never been more excited.


 Emma was the first to attack Barron by pushing him against a huge dart board with her wind.

Jake was quick to attack next by shooting at him with Miss Peregrine's crossbow, but unfortunately missed. "Hugh, do it now!" Jake yelled. Hugh appeared and opened his mouth, the bee's effectively scaring the other two adults.

"Come back here!" Barron yelled, "Get them!"

The woman had started to throw knives at the children but fortunately for them she missed.

"You think that you can stand in my way?" Barron yelled out, " You, Jake, content to age and die as if you had not the gift of peculiarity, at all!?"

Enoch has had enough of this man.

Unfortunately, when he went to attack, he got knocked out.

But when Enoch woke he was still determined to kill that man.

He was quick to help his friends that were currently being attacked by one of Barron's men. He brought a toy elephant to life to finish off the man.


After making sure that Olive and Bronwyn were okay, he went in the direction Jake and Emma had disappeared off too in hopes of also finding the Ymbrynes and Lily.

Enoch found Emma first, she seemed to be out of breath, "Enoch! Where are the others?"

"They're safe, Olive is leading them to the ship" He replied.

"Jake needs us, Barron is too strong!" Emma said, clearly panicked.

The two teens rushed down the stairs to the room that contained the Ymbrynes and Lily. "He's in there!" But when they opened the door they found not one but two Jakes.

But that wasn't all.

Enoch searched the room until his eyes landed on a girl attached to a machine that had been drawing blood.


Her neat braid was undone, no doubt from trying to get away. What scared Enoch the most was the fact that she didn't seem to be awake. He couldn't even tell if she was breathing.

"Emma!" One of the Jakes said, pulling his attention away from his girl. "That's not me! It's Barron!" he said while pointing to the other.

Enoch was quick to grab the crossbow that was placed to the side and aimed it at the two, "Well, I've got a better shot than Jake. Neither of you move until we sort this."

"Listen to me, I'm Jake. I grew up in Florida and I wanted to be an explorer! I thought nothing would ever change because I was ordinary." The Jake on the left said. "That's Jake!" Emma said while pointing to who she thought was the real one.

"Look, I told him all of this! He was my psychiatrist!" The other Jake defended. "You deal with him and I'll go find Miss Peregrine." Left Jake said as he took a step forward but stopped when Enoch pointed his weapon towards him.

"Wait," Jake on the right said."I can prove that I'm me.Because I'm not ordinary. I can do something no on else can. I can see the monsters."

Suddenly, fake Jake was lifted into the air by a Hollow. Barron began to plead for his life but met the same fate as Miss Avocet.

"Enoch!" Jake yelled.

Enoch quickly threw the crossbow towards him as Jake finally didn't miss and killed the Hollow.

The trio stood in silence and relief before Enoch rushed to his love.

He was quick yet gentle when he pulled the needles and tubes out of her body before gently caressing her face.

"Lily? Lily please wake up"


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