Chapter 4

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Lily had decided to join the others as they sat on either one of the couches or the floor, waiting for Horace's dream's to appear on the wall in front of them. Even though she was angered by what he said, Lily still sat in her regular spot next to Enoch.

Once everyone had hot cocoa in their hands and Emma scolded Millard for not wearing clothing again, Horace's dreams soon appeared. The first dream was a usual one, Horace trying on multiple articles of clothing before deciding he wanted them all.

The second dream was a scene from earlier that day. It was the moment where Jake had been walking outside with Miss Peregrine and Horace complementing his outfit.

The next dream would give Lily and Enoch nightmares.

In the third dream they were shown a dark cellar. There was a large machine in the middle with a couple tubes attached to what seemed to be a blonde girl handcuffed to a chair. The children could not see the girls face but Miss P and Enoch knew who was sitting on the  chair.

It was Lily.

It took a moment for the innocent looking girl to realize it was her as well. But as she put two and two together she figured it out. She heard Enoch's breath hitch and she reached for his hand, ignoring their previous argument, and giving his hand a light
squeeze and a small smile, one witch was returned but seemed forced.

Lily didn't notice the dream change as she was too focused on Horace's third dream. Images of Barron and the machine replayed multiple times in her head and she shuddered at the idea of him finding her, using her abilities to make him immortal.

The blonde girl turned her attention back to the dream on the wall only to find that this one involved Emma and Jake. They stared at each other deeply before they both started to lean in. Unfortunately for the children who were looking at the two uncomfortable teenagers and the dream before them, Miss Peregrine had decided this was enough movie time for the night and made Horace stop his projection.

The children groaned but didn't complain verbally in fear of being scolded. Miss Peregrine then announced it was time for the reset and the children quickly ran outside in anticipation. The two teenagers, Lily and Enoch, took their time walking to the backyard as the dream with Lily and the machine still fresh in their minds.

Enoch was worried. Lily had told him the story of Barron killing her parents in pursuit of taking the small girl, and Enoch always made sure she was safe and well protected, even if it meant observing the girl as she played with the younger ones. Enoch would not admit this out loud, but he had grown feelings for his blonde best friend.

Lily, however, was not worried about herself but more so the others. The last thing she wanted was for Barron to kill all her friends just to get to her, especially Enoch. She would not admit this to anyone but Emma, but she had developed feelings for her curly haired best friend.

As they reached the backyard, they reluctantly released each other's hands and went to go put their gas masks on and helping the younger ones with theirs.

Lily never liked the reset, despite it being one of the children's favourite thing. She hated how people could be cruel enough to bomb a house full of children with little to no remorse. As one of the bombs was nearly touching the roof of the large house, Miss Peregrine used her stopwatch to reset the time to a much earlier time.

After the reset, Emma had taken it upon herself to escort Jake home, only to come back holding holding a bird who apparently was Miss Avocet, a Ymbryne from another loop.

Apparently while Lily had zoned out during movie time, images of Miss Avocet attached to a wheelchair thing appeared and she was being led to what most guessed was the room with the large machine.

Lily walked upstairs side by side with Enoch until they had reached her room, reluctantly parting ways as all they wanted was to be comforted by the other, but they knew if Miss Peregrine found out they would be in trouble.

"Goodnight , Lily" Enoch whispered from the end of the hall at the entrance to his room. "Goodnight, Enoch" Lily whispered at the same volume, before slowly walking into her room, getting ready for the night and falling asleep.

🌸🌸🌸🌸(later that night)🌸🌸🌸

Lily could not sleep. She slept maybe ten minutes before waking up, her mind still frightened with what Horace had shown them. After an hour or two of tossing and turning, she did the one thing she thought could help.

It wasn't unusual for Lily or Enoch to get nightmares, in fact, it was a common thing the two had. After the incident with Victor, both were consumed with nightmares. They were less frequent after time passed but they still appeared occasionally.

As Lily made her way down the hall and into Enoch's room, she could tell he was having a nightmare. He had sweat on his for head and tossed around on his bed. As Lily walked closer to her curly haired friend, she could hear faint mumbling as he continued to stir.

"Leave her alone" he whispered so lowly Lily barely heard it. "Stop. Stop it, your hurting her" he said slightly louder. The blonde girl then decided she couldn't continue watching so she woke him up.

"Enoch" Lily whispered, lightly grabbing his arm, but it did not wake him. "Enoch, please wake up" she said shaking his arm a little bit but it seemed to do the trick as Enoch's eyes snapped open and woke with a gasp, only seconds later starting to breathe heavily. "Hey, it was just a dream" Lily said now sitting on his bed. Enoch's dark chocolate eyes met Lily's sparkling blue ones and seemed to calmed down before grabbing the small girl into his shaking body, hugging her waist tightly.

Lily immediately returned the hug, throwing her arms around his shoulders and whispering things into his ears like "It was just a dream" or " Its okay , it's over now, I'm here ".

After minutes of sitting in their hugging position, they both pulled away but keeping physically contact by holding each other's hands. "What happened?" Lily asked Enoch, who had calmed down greatly after seeing the fragile girl. " You were in the room, strapped to the machine, except I was there too, but Barron's men were holding me back. They were taking you're blood and you were screaming and I couldn't get to you no matter how much I screamed and begged for them to stop" Enoch's usually dark voice was replaced with a scared and worried one as he explained his dream, his voice only cracking slightly at the end.

Lily stared deep into Enoch's " I'm not going anywhere, no one will take me from you" Enoch's only response was slight nod and a small smile, before his eyebrows furrowed. " Did I wake you?" He asked in his thick accent, to witch you shook you're head before responding " No, I couldn't sleep. I went to see you but when I walked in you were having a nightmare ". Enoch nodded again before a comfortable silence was placed between the two, one that Lily had broken " Could I stay with you tonight? I don't think either of us should be alone right now" She said with a small smile, to witch Enoch smiled softly at before moving over to make room for the blonde in front of him.

Lily laid down beside him, keeping a little bit of space between them but Enoch had other ideas however as he pulled the blonde by the waist so that her head now rested on his chest and his arms were wrapped tightly and protectively around her waist. Lily had now draped her arms around his torso and nuzzled her head into his neck.

"Goodnight, Enoch" She said.

"Goodnight, Lily" He said.

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