Chapter 5

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The next morning was the same as it had always been for the children.

It was late in the morning, Lily and Enoch had woken up hours ago with slightly flushed cheeks as they had been rather close before awakening.

Now, Lily being the healer of the house, was holding Ms. Avocet, an injured ymbring  that Emma had brought with her last night after returning Jake to his world.

Knowing that Emma needed her space after yet another goodbye, the kids carried on with their chores and morning activities. While Lily was in the parlor, Enoch found himself playing with his powers with the help of Olive who handed him tools when he asked.

To say Lily was surprised to see Jake at their front door was an understatement. Lily's naturally welcoming attitude had slightly diminished and was replaced with the feeling of worry knowing that Emma will want to form a relationship with him much like she had done with Abe.

Both Lily and Enoch knew she wouldn't be able to handle another heartbreak.

And yet, Lily put a smile on her face and laid Ms. Avocet on a soft blanket serving as a bed for the injured bird, saying a quick "hello" to Jake before scurrying off to aid Enoch with his projects.

Lily had spent her afternoon with Enoch passing him jars of hearts and other required tools has he grumbled about their surprise guest. It wasn't long before Lily had left to make herself a cup of tea, however once arriving back upstairs she noticed Bronwyn attempting to stop Enoch from something. Lily quickly noticed Jake as soon as he spoke.

"I want to meet Victor"

Lily nearly dropped the fragile china in her hand as she was soon plagued with vivid memories of that dreadful day. Witnessing her dead friend before almost meeting the same fate.

Lily let out a nearly inaudible gasp but was still heard by Enoch. A look of guilt quickly took over his face but he quickly looked away from the small girl, trying to convince himself that this will make Jake never come back.

Lily had tears forming in her eyes, "Enoch...Y-you can't!", she said , raising her voice to a near shout, something she had only ever done on rare occasions.

Enoch ignored her with a heavy heart as he opened the door and closing it behind him and Jake.

Feeling betrayed and heartbroken by her best friend and secret lovers choice, she ran to her room to collect herself from her tears before grabbing her coat, her tea long forgotten, and meeting  the rest  of the children for their afternoon walk.

As suspected, it wasn't long before Jake came running down the stairs with fear clearly written on his face. Enoch joined soon after, standing next to Lily and reaching for her hand.

But for once Lily didn't take his. 

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