You will?

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Millie's POV

Today was Friday and that meant I only had to stay in this hell whole till the end of the day and then I'm free for the weekend. Not that anything exciting ever happened on my weekend but it was still better than school. I walked through the hallways in the morning a little out of it and not looking my best but that's how I usually was on Fridays. I got to my locker, got my books out, and headed to class. I sat with Sadie and the boys in the first class. They didn't bring up Finn at all. Probably because I went Millie Dearest on them yesterday. I got through that class and started to walk to my locker with Sadie next to me. I felt Sadie tap me on the shoulder and I turned around.
"Ya?" I said to her.

"I was just wondering....why are u so against the fact that Finn could be bad?" She said and stared at me confused. I had to think about if I was gonna tell her it or not...I decided that if I didn't tell someone about what happened I would probably explode. I grabbed her hand and pulled her into a janitor's closet and shut the door.

"Ok if I tell u this u have to PROMISE to not tell anyone!" I whisper yelled.

"Of course" she said as she did a cross over her heart. I went on to tell her everything that happened that day and all about Finn and how he had saved me.

"Woah....that's intense" she said.

"I know! You have to swear that u won't tell any of the guys" I said in a very stern voice.

"I know, I know I won't!" She whisper yelled.

"Ok" I said as I opened the closet door.

Time skip to lunch
We were sitting at our usual spot and I noticed Gaten was a little anxious. He was hopping in his seat and shaking his leg. I knew this meant that he had heard a rumor and he was dying to tell it. I figured I'd just let him. I couldn't just ban them from talking about what everyone in the entire school is talking about.

"Just say it Gaten" I said as I looked at him.

"Say what I don't have anything to say" he said as he kept shaking his leg.

"Yes u do, you obviously heard something that u are dying to tell us. It's ok you can say it" I said.

"OK THANK GOD" he said almost like he was holding his breath.
"Ok so it's not really a rumor but I have him in one of my classes and he's just as sketchy in class as he is outside of it. It just sits in the back alone! I'm not sure if he even does any work" he said in one whole breath.

"He probably doesn't" Caleb said.
Finn walked by shortly after that with his lunch. He sat at the usual table he had been sitting at for the past four days. He always brought the lunch tray with food on it with him but I'm not sure I ever saw him eat. He just sits there with a book and reads. He never even looks up from it. We sat and talked for a little bit longer and then the lunch bell rang and we headed to class. I sat in my seat only to see that Finn wasn't in his yet again. As I suspected he came in ten minutes late.  

"Mr. Wolfhard...late again" she said

"Yep" he said as he took his seat.

"Mr. Wolfhard....please hand over the pack" she said as she held her hand out. He looked at her for a second and laughed under his breath. He then pulled out the half full pack of cigarettes from his backpack and handed it to her.

"I'd also like to speak to u after class" she said as she pulled out her book.

"Of course you would" he said as he leaned back. I looked down at his  bag  and saw another full pack of cigarettes in it. I looked up only to see his looking at me looking at the bag. He just put his finger to his mouth and pretend to say sshh. I then pretended to zip my mouth and throw away the key. If he wanted to smoke that's his problem not mine. Class ended and everyone began to walk out. I packed up very slowly simply because I wanted to hear what our teacher was going to say to Finn.

"Now Mr. Wolfhard you did come into this school year pretty late and you have missed a lot of lessons I want to suggest a tutor." She said.

"Ya good luck finding someone who will do it" he said as he put his sunglasses on. I began to head for the door.

"I'm sure I can find someone.....MS. BROWN!" She said as I was just about to walk out the door. Why did I have a feeling that was going to happen. I spun around on one foot.

"Yes?" I said as she began to talk again.

"You have a 4.0! You can tutor Mr. Wolfhard!" she said with a smile on her face that made it seem like she had just struck gold.

"She doesn't have to do that really!" He said.  "Trust me you really don't have to!" He said as he turned to me. I thought about it for a second...this kid did save my life and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious about him. I had made my decision.

"I'll do it!" I said.

"You will!" Ms. Morgan said.

"You will?" Finn asked.

"I will."  I said looking back and forth between the two.

"Fantastic!" Ms. Morgan said while clapping her hands together. "You'll start Monday!" She said. "And Mr. Wolfhard....hand over the other pack too...." she said as she held her hand out. He took his backpack off and took out the pack of cigarettes from it. "Thank you" she said. We both walked out of the class and into the hallway.

"That's not your last pack is it?" I said.

"Nope" he said as he pulled out a cigarette from his back pocket and put his between his lips and lit it. "Later brown" he said as he began to head for the door out of the school.

"Later Wolfhard" I said as I turned the opposite way.
A/N: HOPE U LIKED THIS CHAPTER!!!! Remember to leave a comment if u enjoyed this  and tell your friends about the story because I'm thirsty for reads👌🏻 till next time!!!

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