The Bowling Alley

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Millie's POV
I have been tutoring Finn for about a month now and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't starting to be attracted to him. Which probably isn't a good thing considering the fact that I still have no idea how safe he actually is. We had gotten into a routine with the tutoring. Every week he comes to my house, comes in though my balcony, knocks on my window, comes in and we study for about an hour, then talk for about an hour and sometimes study some more but usually we just talk. Turns out he doesn't exactly need tutoring he's just lazy and doesn't feel like doing the work. But if he put his mind to it he could end up getting a better score than me on a test, he just chooses not to. I'll never understand why he does it. Today was yet another one of our tutoring days and I was sitting in my bedroom doing my homework when I heard him knock. I got up and opened the window. "You do know I have a front door right?" I asked.

"Ya but this way is more fun" he said while lighting a cigarette. He began to walk in when I stopped him.

"Hey hey you know the rules, no smoking in my room, I don't want to have to explain the smell to my mother." I say while shooing him away.

"Well that won't be a problem because we aren't studying today" he said while taking my book out of my hands and placing it on my table.

"What will we be doing?" I asked.

"Bowling!" He said while waving his hands.

"Bowling?" I asked.

"Yep!" He said grabbing my jacket and telling me to put it on. He began to climb back down when I was met with an issue....I didn't know how to climb down.

"Uh...Finn!" I yelled down.

"Ya?" He said.

"Small problem...I don't know how to get down." I said shyly.

"What?! You've never snuck out before?" He asked laughing.

"No!" I said.

"Ok I'll help u...just uh use that ledge to grab onto that grab that branch and jump down" he said.

"JUMP?" I asked.

"Don't worry, I'll catch u!" He said looking up at me. I was already half way down at this point and there was no turning back now. So I decided to for once in my life..take a leap of faith... literally. I let go, closed my eyes excepting to hit the floor and hurt myself but instead Finn caught me bridal style.

"Told ya I'd catch you" he said with a smirk.

"Ya ya" I said hopping down.

We were now at the bowling alley in our own lane. We had been playing for quite some time now and Finn was winning but I didn't really care. It was now my turn to go up. I was searching for my ball when I felt Finn behind me trying to grab it.
"What are u doing?" I said giggling.

"Trying to help u score points" he said laughing.

"No I wanna do it" I said between laughs.

"Too bad" he said. We were both fighting for the ball when I felt him wrap his arms around my waist and lift me up.

"Finn what are u doing?" I giggled.

"Helping u" he said. I was squirming in his arms and I managed to turn myself around to now face him. I got my feet back and the ground and looked up where I discovered how close I was to his face. We both stopped laughing and went silent. I felt Finn brush some hair out of my face.

"Wanna know a secret?" He asked.

"Sure" I said keeping my gaze.

"You really suck at bowling" he said with a smile. I began to giggle.

"No shit Sherlock" I said. I felt him start to lean in and I began to too. Just as we were inches apart I heard the last thing I wanted to right now.

"Well well well what do we have here" said a voice. I both looked over and saw Romeo, Troy and a couple other guys walking over to us with smug grins.

"Wow Millie I didn't know u had a thing for criminals" he said with a smirk.

"Fuck off Romeo" I said harshly.

"Ouch...that hurt really" he said sarcastically.

"Why don't u just get out of here" Finn said getting closer to them.

"Hey hey I'm just trying to have some fun...say why don't we go outside and finish what we started all those weeks ago?" Romeo said in a cocky voice. All of a sudden Finns eyes went someone flicked a switch and he looked angry...really angry.

"Why. don't. We?" Finn said in a low voice. All of Romeo's confidence vanished once he got close to Finn.

"Whatever man...this is dumb anyways...let's go boys, they aren't worth our time" he said as he walked off with his group. Me and Finn stood there for a second in silence when I finally decided to break it.

"Well we should get back to our game...I think I could still win this" I say smiling. Right away Finn's smile returns to his face.

"Ya right" he says as he picks up the ball.

A/N: HELLO FANDOM! Hope we are all doing well and hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I will proof read it later to ignore mistakes for now. I would like to talk about something real quick. I'm not sure what all the drama in the fandom is right now but I really want it to stop. Obviously we all ship Fillie or u wouldn't be reading this fic and I wouldn't be writing it. BUT even though I am writing this fic that does not mean I would ever force Fillie on Finn and Millie. I enjoy the idea of I think it's REAL.....not really. I don't know if people will get mad at me for saying that but it's the truth. I love Finn and Millie and they would be an AMAZING COUPLE but I think they are both too young to be dealing with stuff like that. So please to everyone. Give them privacy because I think we all forgot that they are children...
love and light

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