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Millie's POV
I opened my eyes to sirens a firefighter breaking my door open. I looked around and saw lights and police dogs and an ambulance. The firefighter began to cut my seatbelt off of me. "It's ok ma'am, we're gonna get u out of this, you are gonna be fine" he said. I felt his arms go around my body and lift me up. He carried me to a gurney where a team of doctors came up and started attaching me to machines and putting me in the ambulance.
"She's stable" I heard one woman say.
"Honey what's your name...can u tell me your name?" She asked
"M-millie" was all I said.
"Ok Millie, don't worry we're gonna get u to a hospital in no time....just...breath..." she said as I heard the ambulance doors shut and felt the vehicle to move. I looked around at myself and saw my leg was completely covered in blood and I suddenly became very aware of the taste of metal in my mouth. I looked at my blood stained shirt and bruised arms. I began to feel myself pass out again. My vision began to blurr and I got extremely dizzy. The room just slowly went dark...

Finn's POV (probably the only time it will ever be in his POV)
When I got the call from Sadie I didn't even respond or hear half of the stuff she said after the phrase "Millie's in the hospital" I ran out of my house and grabbed my keys. I didn't know what else to do besides speed to the hospital and hope to God they let me see her. I parked and ran in to the front desk where I was met with a woman. "I'm here to see Millie Brown" I said.
"Are u family?" She asked.
"No" I said
"I'm sorry I can only let family see her or people that her parents have said it's ok to see her and all those people are already in there." She said looking back at her desk. I figured she wasn't going to help me anytime soon so I took matters into my own hands. I grabbed the clipboard with patients names on it and found Millie's. Room 217. Keep in mind the whole time I was doing this the woman was yelling saying how I couldn't see those. I ignored her, put the clipboard down and ran down the halls in Millie's direction. "SIR U CANT GO DOWN THERE! SECURITY!!" She yelled. I just began to run faster and just as I made it to the door they grabbed me. I saw Caleb, Gaten, Sadie, and Noah all in there.
"LET ME THROUGH" I said. The guards had a firm grip on me and were holding me in place.
"Woah woah dude what do u think you're doing?" Asked Caleb.
"Why are u here?" Asked Gaten.
"Guys calm down" said Sadie. She was obviously trying to explain but they were ignoring her.
"Sir we need u to leave" said the guards. It was a jumble of all of our voices and all of our arguments together, thank god her parents where filling out paperwork somewhere else or the argument would have been worse. The yelling didn't stop till I did something.
"No im not gonna leave goddamnit IM HER BOYFRIEND!" I yelled the last part. Caleb, Gaten, Noah, and Sadie all stopped talking. I guess my yelling was enough to wake Millie up.

"Hey...what's going on....hey let go of him, let him in" she said weakly. The guards let my go and gave us a warning. I straightened myself out and ran over to Millie.

"Mills..." I said as I ran over to her. I could feel tears in my eyes but I wasn't about to cry in front of these guys. I sat in the chair next to her and grabbed her hand and she grabbed mine. I put my hand on the side of her face and admired her.
"Boyfriend huh?" She said with a smile. "A car crash was all it took." She began to giggle. Only she would make a joke while being in a hospital room.
"Ok...so let me get this straight. You and you are like....a thing?" Caleb said.
"Oh my lord Caleb you're so slow" Sadie said.
"Okay...SO WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?" He yelled.
"It's none of your business Caleb" Sadie said. We didn't even get much time with Millie before the nurse came in and said Millie needed to rest. We sat in the hallways and I went to sit outside. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it. I was sat on a bench when I heard the exit door open. I didn't turn till I heard voices.

"Wanna share?" I heard the voice ask. I turned and it was Caleb, Gaten, and Noah.  I gave no response except for taking out another cigarette and handing it to Caleb. I handed him the lighter too. I offered the other guys one but they refused. Gaten had a six pack of beer that I assumed had been hidden in his car. He offered me one but I refused.
"Look dude..." he said as he blew out the smoke. "I don't know u...and I haven't heard the best things about you...but I also know that if Millie cares about u then u must be doing something right. Now I'm not saying we're gonna be friends right away, but I'm willing to try....for Millie." He said. He put his hand out asking me to shake it. I held my cigarette between my lips so I would have a free hand. We shook and I took the cigarette out of my mouth again. Caleb nudged the guys behind him.
"Uh oh ya, us too" said Gaten.
"Ya us too" said Noah.
I just shook my head. I'd never had this many people come up to me before. It was a bit overwhelming. They eventually went back inside and I stayed outside. I decided to go back in and sit with Millie. She was asleep in her bed so I just sat next to her and read. I was like this for about an hour before I heard her speak.
"Hey" she said with a smile.
"Hey" I said smiling.
"You're still here?" She asked.
" Ya, didn't want u to be by yourself" I said closing my book. She scooted over in her bed and patted the space beside her.
"Come sit" she said. I climbed in next to her and heard my big doc martins clink on the bed. I held her between my arms but was careful for her bandaged leg.  I looked down at her and gently stroked her face and kissed her. I starred at her for another second and somehow the words...slipped.
"I love you" I said. As soon as I said it I was scared. But I soon calmed down when she spoke.
"I love you too" she said. I pulled her in closer to me and began to doze off. I knew they would ask me to leave soon but I didn't care.

You're welcome.

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