Nicole find out

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Jess pov

The three who had got through had a celebrates and we are going home tomorrow I was in my room now getting ready for bed, I got changed into my pink Winnie the poo pj top and my blue pj bottems which match the top.

I sat on the bed and set my alarm for 8:30 which would give me 4hours until we had to leave we were going to London.

I lied down on the bed and plugged my phone on charge and closed my eyes I was scared to go to sleep incase I had a nightmare

I was wearing a short pj top so if someone came in they would see my cuts and my scars. But I didn't fall asleep i instantly opened my eyes afraid

I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep which was what usually happens. I got 20 minutes peaceful sleep then was over come with a nightmare

--- nightmare ---

I was sitting under a tree at school, it was lunch time and I was alone. None was bothering with me it was nice.

The next thing I know I was being surrounded by the bully's and Remi, I was frightened, I was sat there not looking up

"Look who's here the useless, ugly, annoying, clingy, stupid bitch" Remi says venom in every word she was saying

"Remi I thought we were friends" I say trying not to cry, those words hurt me,

"You think I'd want to be friend with YOU" Remi said spitting the word you, i let a tear fall it hurt me

"I bought you were my friend" I say letting tears fall. Remi rolled her eyes and punched me round the face. I quickly covered my nose it hurt

"You are stupid , clingy and will never get anywear" Remi said smirking. Stephanie, stella , Gemma, Remi, bethanie started punching, kicking and calling me names

--- not nightmare ---

"STOP PLEASE" I scream out loud , I was scared I wanted to get away of the nightmare, I was frightened,

"STOP PLEASE STOP" I scream. Thre next thing I know I was being shaken awake but I wasn't sure who by.

I flinched awake and moved away from the person, the lights were turned on and I saw Nicole, she looked at me and I was crying

Nicole's pov

I heard one of the girls screaming I checked Hannah's room it wasn't her, I checked tamares room it wasn't her, I finaly checked jess's room she she was shouting and screaming in her sleep.

I shock her awake and she shot awake, and se moved away from me I turned the lights on so she could see it was only me.

Jess looked scared, she was crying and shaking , I saw something on her arms they look like cuts and scars, I thought of asking her what the nightmare was about

Jess pov

I relaxed slightly when I know it was only Nicole. But I was still crying and slightly.

"You okay what happened" Nicole asked worrying about me

"I just had a nightmare" I say wiping tears away

"Want to tell me what it was about" Nicole asks me and i nod.

"I was at school sitting under a tree, I was alone which felt nice and then the bullies of year 11 and who thought was my friend came and surrounded me and I was frightened, Remi my old bestfriend she started saying I was useless, clingy, stupid and a birch, those word hurt me I thought she was my best friend but I don't know anymore, and then they all started punching,kicking and calling me names" I said crying softly

Nicole pulls me into a hug. And I cry into her shouder.

"It's okay, none will hurt you now, your much better than what they think of you , your not useless, your not stupid, your not a bitch and your not clingy." Nicole tells me.

"It felt so real. Remi had been acting strange and I don't know what to do" I cryed.

"Don't listen to them bully's" Nicole's tells me and I nod into her shouder. Then Nicole becomes serious

"I've seen the scars and cuts on your arms why have you done that" Nicole asks me

"The bullying has got so bad, they said that I don't deserve to be alive or anything and that I'm a waste of space" I explain letting tears fall down my face

Nicole holds me close, "don't listen too them your not a waste of space, your amazing at singing and your a great friend to hannah and tamera, don't do it again okay," Nicole says "I'm hear for you, I'm not only your mentor I'm going to be a friend to you" Nicole explains and I nod into her.

" thank you" I say softly and then lie back down as she leaves the room and turns the lights off. Nicole was the only person that knows about my cuts and about the bullying, but it was glad to be off my chest.

I lied back down and fell back to sleep with my music on this time, I hope I wouldn't have another nightmare.


This chapter is dedicated to ....


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