Girly day with nicole, hanna and tamera

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The next morning I woke up I went downstairs and Entering the kitchen I saw Sam B talking to Nicholas, he saw me come in and Sam turned around and looked at me sympathetically because she knew about yesterday

'Morning love' Sam said.

"Morning' I suddenly decided I didn't want breakfast anymore and ran back upstairs.

10 minutes later I was in the shower, I sat down and cried on the shower floor, I saw a shaver and picked it up, I looked down at my wrists and brought the shaver to them, and then I just cut, when I'd finished I watched as the blood mixed in with the water and went down the plug. I rinsed the cuts off and I have to admit it did hurt.

Ithink I cut one a bit too deep because when I'd got out the shower and got dried and dressed it hadn't stopped bleeding, so I decided to bandage it up.

About 1 hour later me, Nicole, Tamera and hannah were all in town I was trying to take my mind off the whole Remi situation, but it was hard. We were sitting down eating lunch and I'd gotten a bit hot, so I took my jacket off and completely forgot about my bandage on my arms, and the old scars and the new scars. I brought my arms back to the table and picked up my fork.

"Jess, hunny" Nicole said to me. . I looked up and spotted Tamera and Hannah looking at my arms, that's when I realised.

"I-I have to erm' I said before standing up, picking up my jacket and running to the bathroom, I could hear Hannah, Tamera and Nicole shouting after me. I locked my self in a cubicle and cried luckily nobody was in the bathroom. Or so I thought.

"Jess, sweetie, please come out?' I heard Nicole say over my sobs. I didn't say anything.

"Please jess I know your in there, people are asking where you've been, they say I have corrage, and I'm trying to just let me in, we only have each other it's just you and me what are we going to to, do you want to build a snowman, it dosent have to be a snowman" hannah sang silently to me, she know how much I loved frozen and how much that song was on the list of songs I love

The song list was not that long but it went

1) let it go from frozen

2) count on me by Bruno Mars

3) do you want to build a snowman

4) can we dance by the vamps

I have so may more but we would be here all day talking about them.

I throw my hoddie back on and opened the cubical door ever so slightly, and look out slightly

"You okay" tamera asked me as I look around.

"I'm, fine honistly" I say quitely unsure myself if I was fine or not,

"You sure" Nicole asked me, I just shrug I opened the cubical door so and stepped out,

"Evreything is just messed up for me, Remi would never act like she did yesterday, it's just bothering me, and with my broken arm I feel useless, I can't do anything with the arm which leaves me one armed and even if I wanted to write in my note book I couldn't because I'm right handed" I say fustrated. The girls pulled me into a hug and I just stood there

"Has anyone got any parasetamoles my arm hurts" I ask them sweetly. Nicole went into her bag and pulled out some

"One or two" she asks me

"Two please" I say back and she gives me too and I take them. And give a smile weekly, I was still in a lot of pain but I can cope now.

We went back to the house and evreyone was in the liveing room. They had pens and then

Luke came over to me.

"Were going to decorate your cast" he tells me and I smile again.

"Seriously" I ask and hey all nod and I walk over to the sofa

"Could we watch frozen while you decorate it" I ask hopeing they would say yes, I really wanted to watch frozen

"How about we decorate the cast and then watch frozen we can order pizza and Chinese food and we can get icecream, and loads of snacks" Shelly ask and I smiled I loved the idea, I was nodding like a mental women.

I was sat with my arm out and evreyone was decorating it and signing there names and even Sharon, Gary and Louis came and they were signing it to, soon hannah, Nicole, Gary, louis, tamera and Sharon went to the shop to get all the snacks and I just sat there letting evreyone finish decorateing my cast.

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