Meeting&getting to know evreyone

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Jess pov

"Want to come down and meet evreyone" tamera asked me as she walked into the room

"Sure" I say quitely, I was quite scared I stand up getting of of the bed and follow her down stairs we walk into the liveing room and I become even more scared. There were so May people well I call it loads there was only 3 of each catogory but too me that's a lot.

"Evreyone this is jessica but call her jess" tamera introduced me and I glare at her as evreyone turned and looked at me. Suddenly there was someone that caught my eye, I'm sure I've seen that face before, I wasn't sure though.

"Jess" he boy I was sure I know said. Then I recognised the voice it was Nicholas. I give a small wave shyly.

"IM Sam Callahan" a boy sitting by Nicholas said to me .

"I'm luke friends" a boy with awsome hair said

"I'm kaz" someone sitting in a group of three said

"I'm Joey" another boy said sitting in the same group.

"I'm sterling" the third one introduced himself

"And we are rough copy" they all said together

"I'm Sese" a girl in a group of three girls said

"I'm Jeanette" another girl in the group of three said

"I'm rielle." The third said

"And we are miss dynamix" they said together.

"Hi I'm josh" a boy sitting with a group of five said to me

"I'm Matt" the second boy in the group of five said

"I'm Conner" he introduced itself he was the third in the group

"In jay" the forth introduced himself

"And I'm Thompson." He last boy in the group of five said

"and together we are kingsland road" they said all together.

"I'm Shelly smith" a blond woman introduced her self.

"I'm loran Simpson." The last women introduced herself I gave a small wave to evreyone, I was shy right now, and when I'm shy I don't talk much or at all.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket but I didn't bother getting it out it was either Remi or mum and I know I could cross mum out as she had a phone call from me not long ago so I thought it was Remi.

"Who wants to play 20 questions" Nicky asks. There were a bunch of yeahs and yes's and I just stood behind the sofa not saying anything

"You want to play jess" luke asked me softly. I shrug

" come on it will be fun" luke then says and I sigh and nod unsurely and he moves over and tells me to sit by him.

I sit there and feel my phone again I was waiting for someone to say the first question.

"Who's going to start" Nicky asked.

"I will" sam C said.

"When's evreyones birthdays" sam C then asked evreyone answered and then it came to me and I froze I hate talking

"26 July" I say shyly

"How old is evreyone" Nicky asked next and same again evreyone answered and then it came to me

"I'm 16" I say shyly.

The game soon ended and i checked my phone it was Remi,

From Remi

"Hey jess im visiting my dad in London for the week are you allowed to meet up with me"

The first text said and I sighed

From Remi

"Is there something wrong, you coming to meet me, I'm at the Costa's on the street 4 down"

Was the second text

From jess

"Hi Remi yeah I'm allowed to come, I'll be there soon"

I didn't want anyone to know where I was going to i went out the door quitely and went to the Costa's and I saw Remi was not on her own, she was Stephanie,Ellie, stella, Gemma and bethanie.

The nightmares were coming to reality,

"She finaly showed up" Remi says spitting the words out,

"We thought you where two chicken to show up" Ellie says with a laugh.

I walk back home quickly and go up to the girls room and go and sit on my bed.

That one word what changes lifes. (Nicholas mcdonald fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now