Nightmare& docters

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Jess pov

I must have been sleep for about an hour or much more as it was dark outside, I had a nightmare it was horrible, I hated it.


I was sitting by a pool, I don't know where it is, but there were people I know that were there, there also was everyone from the show.

Someone came up behind me and they pushed me in, they pushed me in and they heald me under, I couldn't breath who ever it was was trying to drown me, I heard voices, it sounded like Remi, Ellie and xenon I was freaking out.

------- awake-------

I shot awake but I thought it was real, my mouth was dry, and. I really needed a drink. I climbed out of my bed and crept out the room being careful not to wake tamera and hannah.

I opened the door and crept through it and headed towards the stairs. I saw sam B, Nicole and Sharon standing in the hall way, it felt so real but I was still dreaming I'm sure I was, I was freaking out.

I ran the opposite way away from the stairs and hid in a cupboard at the end of the hall.

I could hear people knocking on the door of the cupboard followed by my name being called, but not to loud, It sound like remi, but when I looked through the crack in the door I saw someone with red hair. Remi doesn't have red hair she has brown hair with blond highlights, neither do any of her followers.

'Jess?' I heard the voice call again. I slowly opened the door a tiny bit, then was found in someone's arms crying into their shoulder. It was Sharon, I was was glad it wasn't a dream,

"It's not a dream" I ask crying into her shouder and not moveing,

"Is that why you ran off away from us" Sharon asked, "you thought you were still dreaming" asked me and I nod into her shouder,

"Sorry "I say looking down. Sharon hugged me and rubbed my back . I felt so stupid. But I didn't say how I felt

"Let's go down stairs to the livening room and get you a hot chocolate" Sharon said to me and I nodded. We stood up and walked to the stairs and walked down the stairs, Nicole and sam B must have been in the liveing room and me and Sharon walked into there

"You sit down here and I'll go make you a hot chocolate" Sharon said to me and I sat down on the sofa. I was cold. Freezing to be exact

I was shivering, Nicole and Sam were looking at me confused as to why i was shivering like mad. Nicole got up out the seat and sat next to me, she wrapped her arms around me.

'God, your freezing' she said worryingly. I just nodded as she carried on trying to warm me up. Sharon came in and sat where Nicole was sat before she came over to me next to Sam. She passed me my hot chocolate and I took little sips of it.

'What happened?' Sam asked, I had to think tell them about my nightmare, I felt like I was soaking from being drowned by Remi but that wasn't real.

"I had a nightmare, Remi was drowning me, everyone was there and someone saved me but I don't know who," I start still shakeing,

"Ever since I have been freezing, I feel like I am drenched but I'm not" I say shivering. I was scared I don't know what's wrong with me, I took another sip of my hot chocolate but it wasn't warming me up.

"I'm going to take you to the docters, we need to find out what's wrong with you" Nicole says. To me and sam B and Sharon both agree with her. I nod,

"Go and get changed and hen we will go to the docters" Nicole tells me and I nod once again and head up stairs, I grab my purple jogging bottems and my yellow vest, my purple long sleaved top and my Cookie Monster hoddie. I slipped on some socks and my purple vans.

When I had quitely got dressed I walked down stairs to Nicole, Sharon was ready as well, I was guessing Sharon was coming with us too,

"You ready jess" Nicole asked and I nodded we walked out the house and we got into Sharon's car, I wondered why we weren't going to use Nicole's but I didn't mind. Share on drove to the hostpital and we got out and headed inside.

"Hello I could we see a docter please" Nicole asked the person at the front desk

"Name" the women at the front desk asks.

"For Jessica Blake" Nicole said

"And what may the problem be." The women asked.

"She's been freezer and shivering for quite a while and we don't know what is wrong" Nicole explains.

"Take a seat in the waiting room and a docter will be with you soon" we were told and I went to sit in the waiting area with Nicole and Sharon I was sat in the middle, Nicole wrapped her arms around me again to try and warm me up a little.

Nicole's pov

We were sat in the waiting room, waiting to see a docter, we were soon called through and jess had to sit but he docter.

Jess pov

We were called through and the docter did tests to find out what was wrong with me.

"You have a low body weight, your extreamley tired And not been eating meals" the docter asks and evreyone knows it's true so I just nod.

"Because of this you will need to have vitamin sweets and vitamin tablets and you will need to eat more and try and sleep" the docter says and then he leave and then comes back with a bag full of vitamin sweets and tablets.

" you will need to take. 2 of each of these tablets and sweets every 2hours" the docter says to me and then hands the bag over to me.

" well get sam B to make sure you take them" Nicole says before we leave we get into the car and Sharon drives us home.

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