Home and ready for X-Factor house

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Jess pov

I managed to get through the rest of the night without any nightmare, well I did have small ones but not as bad. I think it was because I told someone about the nightmares, it was 8:30 so I I was awake now. I got up and made sure evreything was in my suitcase.

I got out of the bed and made it so it was tidy, I picked up my red dress, my white cardie my skin coloured tights and my ballet pumps. I had a quick shower and then got changed into my dress and then went downstairs to see hannah, tamera and nicole, they were having breakfast and I walked in and just say on a chair.

"You hungry jess" hannah asks me

"No" I say quietly. They all gave me a strange look but then they all shrugged it off .

--- the plain ride ---

The time flew by and we all got on the plain, hannah sat by tamera and Nicole sat next to me.

"You okay after last night" Nicole asks me with sympathy in her voice

"Yeah thanks, I think it was best that I got it of my chest, when you left I was able to sleep the rest of the night without nightmares" I say which was only half true I did have small nightmares but didn't say anything. Nicole gave me a strange look she didn't beleave me,

"You had another nightmare didn't you" she asks me, I guess you can really can tell when I'm lieing.

"Yes, it wasn't as bad though it was just Remi and me arguing and then me and mum argueing but I don't know why" I say feeling embsrrised I hated talking about my feelings. I feel like I'm weak .

Nicole out an arm around me. And I gave a small smile.

--- home ---

"Girls tomorrow afternoon there will be a black car to pick you up from yours to take you to the X-Factor house, where you will meet the other contestants" Nicole explained to us .

"I'll see how you are on Tuesday" Nicole said we all give each other a hug and I walk over to mum

"did you get through" mum asks me and I smile nodding like mad

"Well done" mum says happily

Mum drive home and I packed a suitcase for the house. I was so nurses I packed loads of cloths, and as usual they were big for me. Some were the right size but I don't use them because people will see how thin I am and I don't want anyone to know. I packed my ballet pumps and my faverout hoddie which was my Nan's and my other one what was my granchas.

I had finished packing putting pictures in my bag so I don't get home sick and my two Teddy's which meant everything to me.

--- that night ---

That night I put my headphones in and fell asleep with nightmares but I didn't wake up screaming, I didn't like the nightmare, it was annoying me.

--- morning---

It was the morning of going to the X-factor house and I was so nurves, I was going to be meeting new people and I was frightened.

"Hello mum" I say walking down the stairs and into the kitchen I got a drink out the cupboard and drank it. I was so thirsty.

"You all packed for later" mum asked.

"Yeah but in frightened" I explain to mum and she pulls me into a hug and kissed me . I was ready now .


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