memory lane 2

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Hey guys, sorry about the cliffhanger! Please dont hate me! I really hope you like this next chapter, Im putting A LOT of spare time into writing this just for you! Please like, comment and tell your friends!

*Leo*( From the time he woke up)

When I woke up I stretched and looked over at the bunk I had told May she could sleep in. She wasn't there and I began to panic. I jumped out of the bed and ran out of the cabin, the warm air greeting my face. I decided I would look at the dining pavilion, you never know if she got hungry. I passed a few campers along the way, but there were not that many because it was still kind of early. When I got there I noticed only a couple of kids, there was Annabeth (she always got an early start), there were the Stolls brothers(which I was surprised about because they usually get up at noon) and last there was the doctor. I all of a sudden remembered that he had promised me a look in the TARDIS.

What was so special about the TARDIS anyways? I mean it cant be anything compared to Festus, can it? The doctor had told me that it was extraordinary but what's so special about a blue police box? I don't even see how both of us could even fit in there. Why was his name the doctor anyways? I mean what's he a doctor of? What's his name? Doctor who? That was the first moment I noticed he was standing right in front of me.

"Have you seen May?" He asked me. "Actually I was looking for her too." I tell him. Then we started walking and talking about the last place we had seen her, trying to piece together where exactly she was. Ten minutes later I found myself in the TARDIS. The words escaped my mouth "ITS BIGGER ON THE INSIDE!" "Oh how I always love hearing those words." The doctor said and sighed, leaning against the console.

I looked around and saw that it was quite damaged. I wanted to ask him if I could help repair it but before I could say anything I heard an ear-piercing scream. May. I thought and ran out of the TARDIS, not responding to the doctor telling me to wait up. Sure I had only just met her, but I could tell she was nice, and she had a twinkle in her eye that told me that she was important. How I knew she was important just by a twinkle, I don't know, I just did.

*3rd person on Olympus*

"SILENCE!" Zeus boomed and thunder shook in the background. All the gods and goddesses stopped arguing over this new-found daughter of... *wait for it* Artemis *dun dun dun!* She wasn't supposed to be alive, Artemis was supposedly a maiden goddess. As you can tell though, She has kept her child a secret for these 18 years. Artemis was present and was sitting on her throne looking ashamed. "Now as all of you know, Artemis now has officially had offspring." Zeus said staring daggers at Artemis. "Now me must vote if the child shall live, or perish." Artemis look shaken from Zeus' words.

"YOU CAN'T KILL MY DAUGHTER JUST BECAUSE HER BLOOD!" Artemis. "Quiet Artemis, we will vote." Zeus said not giving her another thought. The vote turned out to be 5 to 7... and the 5 was of people that wanted her to live. Shes going to die just because I claimed her. Artemis thought. Zeus is just going to zap her with a lightning bolt, and no one will give her a second thought. Artemis decided right then and there that she would do everything in her power to save her daughter.

*May* (have you guys have been waiting for this?)

I was told I was a daughter of Artemis and two seconds later I was nearly turned to dust from a lightning bolt that busted through the Big House roof. "AAHH." I screamed and jumped to the right, barely missing the bolt. I felt an electric shock go through me and all I said was " I hate electricity."  before everything went black.


When May got almost hit by that lightning bolt I heard her mutter "I hate electricity." right before she fell on the ground out cold. I would have laughed at what she said, under different circumstances. I was shocked myself (literally, the lightning bolt had hit me too, just not as hard as May.) I had a feeling that bolt was for her and not me. I picked her up and ran to the infirmary, not caring if Zeus killed me alongside May. I could feel May's heart beat becoming faint as I carried her bridal style, running to the infirmary. I got lucky though, there were no more blasts of lightning, and oddly enough the sky was blue all around, not a hint at any clouds for miles.

May must have really angered Zeus. All of a sudden I heard faint footsteps behind he and heard a familiar voice yell "Percy wait up!" I just kept running, I couldn't see how he didn't see that May was passed out in my arms, but I just shoved it off and ran faster. When I got to the infirmary I burst through the doors ans startled a camper, who was currently helping a patient. "Dear gods Wh-" the camper said turning around and seeing May in my arms.

I lay May down on a cot and stay back as the camper asks me what happened. I explained everything to him and he looked a little shocked himself. After looking at her for a few minutes he got a very scared look on his face. He turned to me and said "She's dead."


Ok guys I know its been a while since I last updated. this is because I have been CRAZY busy because my Iowa tests are coming up. I also have a concert in strings, and my comic book classes. I have made a deal with myself, I will MAKE myself update every Wednesday or Thursday. If it is not updated please go easy on me, It just means I've been busy or am having writers block. THANK YOU ALL FOR READING THIS IMPORTANT INFORMATION. AND SWEAR ON THE RIVER STYX RIGHT NOW THAT YOU WONT KILL ME! CAUSE IF YOU DO YOU WONT FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS!

May's Hectic Life*Percy Jackson, Doctor Who, Supernatural crossover* #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now