Chapter 14

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I swear Taehyung is so stupid! how could he reject Jungkook like that? If only Jungkook had fallen for me instead of him. Life is so unfair, I've liked Jungkook since we were in seventh grade but it has always been a one-sided crush.

He has never been my friend so i have had to settle with just crushing on him from afar. 

After i stormed out of the cafeteria i ended up in the school's football stadium and sat down on the bleachers. Many times i have sat here and admired the way that Jungkook looks while running up and down the field all sweaty. 

God I can't even understand how Taehyung could be so stupid and reject him time after time. I would have given anything for Jungkook to have accepted my confession last year. 


I sat on the stadium benches like usual and watched Jungkook running up and down the field all sweaty and godlike. Today is the day that I will confess my feelings for him, I know he likes Taehyung but maybe he can learn to like me too.

A few minutes later and practice ends. I watch as one by one the players leave, leaving Jungkook alone on the bench while he drinks out of his water bottle. I make my way down the benches and he notices my presence, "Oh Jimin hey! I didn't know you were here." he says taking the last drink of his water bottle.

I don't say anything until I'm directly in front of him, "Jungkook, I like you! I've liked you since seventh grade and I hope you will accept my confession and give me a chance." i say then look down towards the floor while i wait for an answer. 

"Jimin i'm flattered trust me I am but you and I both know that I like Taehyung right?" he says. I slowly nod my head yes, "Yes I know but i had just hoped that maybe you would give me a chance since he has rejected you twice already. Please Jungkook i really really like you." i manage to say before a few tears start escaping my eyes. It hurts to know that your crush likes your best friend. 

I'm sorry Jimin, you're really beautiful and an amazing guy but I can't forget about Taehyung, at least not yet. So please forgive me." is the last thing he says before walking away and leaving me to my tears on that bench. 

*flashback ends*

As i sit here reminiscing about old times I find myself becoming more and more angry with Tae because even though Jungkook has liked him for a while at least i could admire him from afar but now i can't even do that because he left school. Taehyung why do you always ruin everything.

A/N: Just a little filler about Jimin and his feeling towards jungkook. I'm still coming up with the right plot that i want this book to go towards so expect updates soon!!! :)

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