Chapter 28

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a/n: just for you xD you know who you are lol :)

This is a short filler, I have finals this weeks so i should be studying but oh well xD


As I ran to catch up with Yugyeom I turn a corner to see where he could have possibly gone. I stop dead in my tracks when i see Yugyeom and Bambam making out. To make matters worse they don't even break apart besides the fact that I was literally screaming Yugyeom's name a few seconds ago. 

I'm glued to the ground just staring at them and then I feel a presence beside me, it's Taehyung. I sort of zone out for a few seconds but i catch everything that he said to Yugyeom and Bambam. As he drags me away I am sort of relived because I didn't think that i could move on my own without falling to my knees right then and there. Taehyung drags me back to the practice room and i head towards the corner and let myself slide down the wall before bursting into tears.

This is the second time. I thought i could trust him. Has he been cheating this whole time? Am i not enough for him? What does Bambam have that I don't? I was foolish to think that he wouldn't cheat on me again. It just hurts even more knowing that it was the same person as last time. 

I can hear the members asking Taehyung questions but I'm not really paying attention. All I know is that seconds later the door slams open and Yugyeom comes running in. But before can make it to me he's stopped by a punch to the face by Yoongi. 

Yugyeom gets knocked to the ground by the punch and we just stare at him as he slowly gets up. Yoongi was setting up to go for another punch when Bambam steps in front of him. This infuriates me and before i know what came over me I'm rushing over and punch Bambam in the face.

"Why'd you do it? Huh!!!!! Why Yugyeom? And you Bambam, I though we were friends! But you knew I was Yugyeom but that didn't stop you now did it?" I yell. Bambam cowers behind Yugyeom before Yugyeom can answer, "Kookie I'm sorry. Believe me I am I just, I don't know what came over me. It just happened." he claims. 

I scoff turn around to walk away and then quickly turn back around and this time I punch Yugyeom, "Opps, it just happened!"   

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