Chapter 22

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*promise this is the last bit of Kookgyeom you'll see! Also I don't even know if that would be their ship name or not 😂* also if there's mispeeligns it's not cause English is not my first language because it is but it's just cause I'm a really bad speller 😂😂😂 side not I misspelled that word on purpose 😂😂😂

It's currently Friday and I'm freaking out, depending on the words written in this email my life can change drastically. I have decided to also follow my dream of becoming an idol.

This past year and a half had really given me some time to think about my future and I'm ready to embrace it. I've practiced like crazy with my dancing and my vocals. I really hope that audition went well. 


Today is our monthly evaluation and I'm really nervous because for some reason I'm being trained as a rapper and my skills don't compare to Jooheon and Brian. Jae is being trained as a vocal and I am a little bit too but mostly rap and I don't like it.

The trainer, Kevin, stares at us after we finish. He looks lost in his thoughts for a few more minutes before speaking. "Okay change of plans, Jooheon you're being sent to a different group.  In fact this whole group is being changed. Jae and Brian both of you are being sent to a different group together and Jungkook we are adding members to your group. They're new trainees, oh and also we're switching you to a vocal instead of rapper. I'm gonna take the other three members to their new groups and you're new members should be here soon. Good luck!" 

I'm left alone and I'm terrified and also a little mad, I've been training for almost 2 years and now I'm being put in a group with newbies like wtf! Well at least I'm switched to a vocal now, that makes me think that these new members are probably good rappers already. 

I decide to continue dancing the routine we did for the evaluation and as I wa sin the middle of a step I am tackled to the ground. I close my eyes upon impact to the ground and am ready to scream at whoever it is that tackled me but before I get a chance to speak a pair of lips meet mine, I immediately recognized them as my boyfriends and wrap my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss.

Our kiss starts to get a little heated, but before it can go any further a voice interrupts us. "Yah! Get a room would you, I thought this room was for training not fulfilling your dirty needs." This causes both Yugyeom and I to break apart surprised.


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