Chapter 7: Tyler's Funeral

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Chapter 7: Tyler's Funeral

Justin's POV

I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I should be sleeping right now, but I can't stop thinking.

Selena is all I can think about, and I'm starting to get worried; its scaring me.

No girl has ever been on my mind for this long, my phone started ringing and it was her. I ignored it, I need to focus on the plan for tomorrow.

There is no room for Selena in my life, and I need to draw the line. She needs to stay out of my life and out of my way since I know that Andrew doesn't want me around her and either do I.

Yes you do

No, I don't and that's that. Girls just need to stay out if my life for a while because all its going to do is cause problems.

Selena's POV

I'm kind of disappointed that he didn't answer my calls, even more after all the trouble I went through to get his number.

I got up from my chair and walked over to the window, his curtains were closed. My phone started ringing, but it was Cassie not Justin.

"Hey Selena, what happened to you today?" I sighed. "Uh, I just had to take a break...." I lied again.

"Right, so we're all going to a memorial slash funeral thing tomorrow..." I feel so bad knowing who killed him and not saying anything.

"They've already planned it?" she began explaining everything.

"I'll meet you at the school tomorrow then..." we hung up, I checked the time and realized that I should be sleeping.

-The next morning-

My alarm clock rang at eight o'clock, I was lost in confusion but then I remembered the memorial.

I reluctantly got up and hopped into a quick shower. As I sat in front of my closet trying to pick an outfit, my door swung open.

"Oh. My. God." Andrew yelled and ran off, I jumped up and grabbed my towel.I'm so glad I had my panties and bra on, "Knock next time!" I yelled out.

But his face was priceless, you should've seen it.

I closed the door and walked back over to my closet, I pulled a quick outfit together then changed.

There was a knock on my door (again), "come in..." Andrew stepped in."Hey um...are you ready?" I nodded, he didn't say anything all he did was walk out.

I chose to ignore his weird attitude, and follow him out. "Where is mom and dad?" I asked when I didn't see them in the kitchen, "they're at the school for the memorial, now lets go!" my brother informed me.

As I got in the passenger seat I looked over at Justin's house, he was gone. I'll have to talk to him later, but right now I need to pay my respects to Tyler.

When the school came into view, we could see people in black gathered on the field.

"Can't believe I'm at school on a Saturday" I gave him a look, "someone just died, you can be a little more considerate!" I stepped out of the car. He followed me as I made my way to the field, the memorial was about to start.

"Selena..." Cassie whispered and waved me over, I started walking towards her but someone stopped me.

Justin's POV

When I saw Selena, I had the urge to run up to her and give her a hug. I didn't instead I walked towards her and grabbed her arm, "What are you doing here..?" I hissed.

She looked at me with those brown eyes of hers, "what does it look like I'm doing?" I rolled my eyes.

I hate when she tries to be smart with me, "you know what I mean!" I pulled her away from the crowed of people.

"Actually I don't know, please enlighten me..." I licked my lips, even though she's kind of annoying Selena's kind of hot when she's annoyed.

"You didn't know him, so what are you doing here..?" I explained.

"That's not fair! I saw him die, I think I have a right to be here!" she was the one now hissing.

I pulled her further away from the people, this girl needs to keep her mouth shut. I don't know why it bothers me so much that she's here, but it does.

"Keep it down, we don't need more people getting suspicious!" I told her, the boys were all watching us hoping to hear something good.

"Go to the house, I'll be there soon!" Jesse lead them to the cars, "maybe you should be more careful then..." she said continuing the conversation.

It made me a little angry when she brought up my mistake, "I made a mistake, but you can stop bringing that night up!" I looked up to see if anyone was listening.

"Maybe I don't want to! Ever since I met you, you've been telling me what to do...and that's not right!" I sighed,

"This wasn't my fault!" I growled.

Selena's POV

I'm about to lose it, "This is your fault!" I whisper yelled.

He had that look in his eyes that I have gotten to know so well, it meant he was about to argue with me.

"No it isn't, Jesse and the gang are the reason I kept coming after you!" that stung a little, I just stared at him not sure what to say.

"Then why are you still here, you're nothing but a heartless criminal!" he glared at me, and pushed me into his car.

I'm getting a little scared but its a little to late now, "You think you have me all figured out!" he added.

"I may not know you like your friends do, but I've seen enough to get a pretty good idea of who you are!" I said looking out into the sea of people,

"Well Selena, there is so much you don't know about me!" he barked.

His tone scared me so much it took everything in me not to start shaking, "You don't know me at all, and I don't think you ever will..." I glanced at him.

"Then why don't you let me know who you really are?" he shook his head,

"No, that's not a good idea..." Justin whispered.

"I'm already way to into your life for you to get rid of me, we might as well get to know each other!" I turned to face him.

"No means No Selena, just leave it alone!" he yelled.

I jumped a little, he scared me but something about him just pulled me in. "I have to go, now get out!" I looked at him hoping he would take that back, but he didn't so I just opened the door and stepped out.

I slammed the car door and he sped off, I stood there and just watched him go of into the distance.

"Argh!" I groaned in frustration.


Hey Guys!

So I hope you like this chapter!





Here's some questions:

Will Justin let Selena into his crazy world?

Will he loosen up on Selena?

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