Chapter 55: My Intentions

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By the way my readers, you will need to read author's note for important information about this book.

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"My head is under water but I'm breathing fine. You're crazy and I'm out of my mind..." - John Legend.

Chapter 55: My Intentions

Selena's Pov

"Wake up you bitch!" And that annoying, yet frustrating voice that I didn't like which it belonged to the one and only Jasmine, scared the living day lights out of me.

I scowled at the dark brunette in front of me but that only earned me a hard slap across my face, the sound of the harsh slap echoing through out cell room. This cell room still stunk which killed my nostrils and the ground was mossy, slimy and disgusting. Trying to get back onto my feet once again, she pushed me back down onto the concreted ground that I've sitting on for the past five days.

Just as I am about to say something snarky, in comes a familiar face that I haven't seen for almost a week. I gasp as I look at him, "Justin...?"

But he smiled and wrapped his strong arms around Jasmine's small waist as he pecks her cheek, "Babe, come and have breakfast with me." I hear him mumble into her ear.

She shivers under his intense gaze and smiles willingly which makes me want to jump and stomp all over her head. "Sure, be there in four minutes." She says before waving him off. He smiles at her and walks out of the cell.

My eyes widen as I just take in everything that had just happened.

What the hell just happened...

What exactly is he playing at?

"So Selena, it's been a while since we both seen each other." She smiles sickly, clasping her hands together to look as intimating as she can be.

But it does not work on me.

"It has, huh?" May as well play along with her sickly, sweet game.

She raises her brow, totally confused with my calm comeback. "Well honey, do you mind if I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"Do you like, still love Justin?"

Yes, I love him too much to not let him go. But I controlled myself from saying that and said the opposite, "Of course not, why would you think such a thing?"

Jasmine narrows her brows, glaring at me as if she is trying to read my face expression but of course, she couldn't read it at all. No one does. "What are your intentions, Selena?" She hisses at me, her eyes trying to give me her most intimating glare as she could give me. But it never worked on me.

"What intentions?" I hiss through clench teeth.

The girl was pushing my buttons.

I look to the side and saw Logan looking at Jasmine with utter shock and disbelieve with the way she had spoken to me. I guess it is because she normally acts innocent when she's around attractive boys.

"You're up to something, Selena. I know you are. You've stoled the love of my love but now... I got him back. And you can't take him from me." She hisses, "I wonder where Liam is. Would you like to tell me?" She says, her voice going back to a sweeter tone.

I shook my head, not uttering one word to her. Because there is no way I am going to let her hands touch my son. No way in hell.

"Now!" She demands.

But I shook my head once again, no.

She gulps a angry gulp, her eyes glaring at me with hatred. And I always knew she had hated me... but not that much.

"You either fucking tell me now or I will end your life right here, right now." She growls.

The blood in my body began to boil, "Over my. dead. body." I snap at her angrily.

Right now, I just don't really give a flying crap if she is threatening to kill me because I do not want her to touch my son either though she may be Justin's girlfriend, I have a strong feeling she will want that kid out of mine and Justin's life's.

Jasmine lifts her gun, aiming it at me. But I wasn't afraid if I was going to die right now, I'd want my son to remain living and hidden as long as he can.

And right now I am thanking Jackson because he let me out to give me the chance to hide Liam before I had to come back. As much as I want to go back and get the hell out of here, I chose to say no and come back in this cell. I had to face these people on my own and make sure they finish me.

For good.

And next thing I know, she pulls he trigger directly at my forehead.


Short chapter I know and I am so sorry about it. I have recently went to my uncles wedding meaning that I had to travel on a plane across my country because I am the flower girl at his wedding.


I cried in this chapter and I got worse news... this story is possibly ending in the next two chapters!

This story may or may not end in the way you might not want it to end. Who knows... but this story might end with a sad ending.

So tell me your thoughts on this chapter??

What about Justin and Jasmine? What did you think about that? By the way, I am not implying Jasmine as in Jasmine Villegas, just another Jasmine in my imagination because I like Jasmine Villegas. Psss; she actually ships jelena.

So yeah, Comment and Vote for the next chapter.

Luv ya,

- cherry_jeadc

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