Chapter 23: Pay Back Means Revenge

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Chapter 23: Pay Back Means Revenge

Justin's POV

I ran my fingers through my hair once again, I'm tired of sitting here waiting and not knowing what is going on. I should be the one in that hospital room hooked up to machines, not Selena.

Her parents aren't doing any better, damn I feel so guilty. I've never felt this way about anything, and I'm starting to get worried.

I know I have feelings for Selena, but now I'm starting to think that I'm in love with her. "Justin Bieber?" the doctor came out and called into the waiting room, I stood up a little confused.

"Miss Gomez has been calling for you, we need you to come with us." Without hesitating, I followed him, as soon as we entered the room my heart almost broke. She looked so frail and broken, how could I have been so stupid and let this happen?

"Selena, Justin is here..." I hadn't noticed that she had her eyes slightly open, at least I know she's not in a coma.

Her lips tried to curl up in a smile, but even I know she's to weak to smile right now.

"Don't, Sel you're not strong enough..." I said as I walked over there, she shrugged.

I wanted to hold her close to me, there was a voice in my head before telling me that I wasn't in love with her; but now there isn't a doubt in my mind.

"I'm so glad you're alive, I should have done something..." she shook her head lightly, " didn't see it Justin..." she managed to whisper.

A small smile crept onto my lips, "Andrew... how is he?" she asked sounding concerned.

"He's doing a lot better, he's worried about you though.." I said remembering how he freaked out when he heard Selena was in the hospital too, they really did care about each other.

"Well I'm fine, just a little sore and my head is pounding..." I looked over at the doctor, "What's wrong with her...?" he sighed and proceeded to tell me what was wrong.

Selena had a concussion and a broken arm, but other than that she was fine. "I'll leave you two alone..", he said before stepping out, I returned my attention to her. "I was so scared..." she whispered with a sad look on her face, "I swear I was going to die, after everything went black..." she closed her eyes before continuing. "I thought that I was going to die..." I looked at her with sad eyes, "I told you that you'd always be safe with me, this wasn't supposed to happen and I'm sorry..." I apologized once again.

Selena's POV

I listened to Justin go off about how sorry he was, it was something new since he doesn't apologize much.

"Justin, please..." I gave him a small smile, "I know you're sorry, this isn't you're fault.." I reassured him for what seemed like the tenth time already.

I was in a lot of pain and although I did want to sleep, I couldn't get the thought of finding out who did this out of my head.

The person who hit my brother was probably the person who hit us, "Sel?" there was a knock on the door.

My parents walked in, sad smiles on their faces. "I'm fine, so don't worry about that..." I said before they could say anything.

My mom smiled and walked over to my side, I know how hard this must be for her. Having both of her children in the hospital for the same reasons, it must be horrible.

"I'll be right outside, I have to make a call..." Justin said before stepping out, I wanted to say something to keep him from going but I knew that what he had to do was important.

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