Chapter 31: Weird Sickness

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Chapter 31: Weird Sickness

Selena's POV

(The Next Day)

Logan pulled up in front of my house, I looked over at his driveway but there was no car.

My mind couldn't help but think horrible thoughts, what if he's dead? What if he's with that girl?

"Selena, don't think about it. Just go inside and sleep..." I nodded and reached for the door handle, "Thank you again, I really appreciate it..." he shrugged and I awkwardly got off.

Putting the key into the lock I heard a car pull up, turning around it was Justin and Andrew. Quickly I unlocked the door and ran up the stairs, running probably wasn't the best idea considering my stomach was feeling uneasy again.

"Selena!" before I had the chance to run to the bathroom, I threw up right in the hallway.

Andrew and Justin both ran up and gave me concerned looks, not wanting to be around either of them I locked myself in the bathroom.

So many things were running through my mind right now, one of them being why am I feeling so sick all of a sudden. "Sel, are you okay..?" it was Justin, tears started to spill out of my eyes and onto my cheeks.

No, I'm not okay. How can I be okay after what I saw last night, and aside from that I'm throwing up constantly now.

"Selena.." I wiped my mouth, "Go away!" my voice cracked.

Justin's POV

Andrew and I stood outside the bathroom door confused, was Selena just getting home?

Why was she throwing up? When her voice cracked it was clear that she was or had been crying, but why? "Selena, why are you crying babe...?" I leaned closer to the door, she sniffled before answering.

"I hate you both! Go away and leave me alone!" she yelled out to us, seriously what's going on?

I started picking the lock, I finally got it open. She was blowing more chunks, and crying her eyes out. All that came to mind was that she was hungover, left the house last night got drunk and is now hungover.

"I told you guys to go away!" Selena glared at me before pushing me out the door, I stood out there shocked.

She's never acted like this, and I don't see why she would now.

Selena's POV

I locked the bathroom door once again, getting up I brushed my teeth. There were still tears in my eyes but not as much as before, I don't understand why Justin is here.

He has her, he doesn't need to stick around. I guess Logan was right, he was just going to play me then break my heart.

I could hear them whispering outside the door, I rolled my eyes. How many times am I going to have to tell them to go away, before they actually go away?

I opened the door and pushed past them, and made it to my room. "Selena, tell us what happened? Why are you throwing up and why do you hate us..?" Andrew said following me, I tried to speak but I couldn't.

I know that if I even tired, I'd break down. "Just leave me alone, please.." I pleaded, he wanted to say something else but they both kept their mouth shut.

Slamming my door I walked over to my bed, I guess this is how a heart break feels like. Like absloute shit, and it hurts so much. I probably wouldn't be so heart broken if they wouldn't have kissed, footstpes were heard on the stairs then the front door. I looked out my room window and saw Justin walk over to his house, I stood there in the window just thinking.

I guess all of this means we're over, I don't think I can ever forgive him after all that.

Its just to much, and I don't think I'll ever be able to do it.

Justin's POV

I made it up to my room, and realized that my window was left open. Walking over to it I thought about the situation with Selena, I'm confused and a bit hurt.

Selena was looking into my window, her eyes filled with tears and it just broke my heart. I don't understand her behavior, she shut her curtains and I had no choice but to do the same.

I'm not going to sit around and torture myself wondering what's going on, we passed Logan on our way here he must have been with her.

Picking up my phone I dialed his number, it rang three times before he picked up."What do you want, Bieber?" I can tell he's not that happy that I called, "Whats wrong with Selena?" he sighed.

"You broke her heart asshole, that's whats wrong with her..." I'm confused, I've done nothing that could possibly break her heart.

"I don't know what I did wrong?" with the little laugh he gave I knew he was smirking, and probably rolling his eyes.

"You're a real idiot, just leave her alone..." I didn't even get to say anything, he just hung up.

What the hell is going on? We were all fine last night, but now I'm not so sure about anything.

Selena's POV

My phone keeps ringing, if its not Logan its Andrew, and if its not Andrew then its Justin. I'm tired and I don't want to answer anyone, I just want to be left alone in all my misery.

No matter how much I try to not think about it, I just can't. Those images just keep replaying in my head, and aside from that I feel sick. From time to time Andrew comes to my door, knocking and hoping I'll let him in.

I just don't feel like seeing anyone right now, the very first time I fall in love and he just breaks my heart.

When Andrew's first knock was heard on the door I felt like throwing up, pushing past him I manged to make it to the toilet.

I've been wondering why I've been throwing up so much lately, and I have this idea but I really hope I'm wrong.


What's causing Selena to throw up all the time?

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Thank you,

- Jay

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