Realizing the truth

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"uh, yeah well you know I have never actually compared his face to mine and looked over every detail we share you know"? The Nick Jonas look alike said
"Er you must think i'm such a creep right now right"? I said realizing I must have just blown my chances with this guy that has everything that's the same with my big time celebrity crush.
"No actually I think it is actually really cute". He said with that smirk that could make any girl melt like butter.
"Hey Demi why don't you show Nick your room"! Zach had called from what sounded like from the living room. I could even hear a little chuckle at the end of it.
'Your name is Nick"? I said as the puzzle started to slowly come together in my head. He looks like Nick Jonas, sounds like Nick Jonas, has his first name, he same smirk, the same muscle shape hiding under his button up blue shirt. I slowly started to realize. "Oh my god Nic...Nick Jonas"!
"Yes that would be me". Nick said in a calm voice while folding his arms out in front of him and letting out a small chuckle from his thin sweet lips.
I stood still just watching him with wide eyes and a "o" shape started to form on my lips. Confusion, Embarrassment, and happiness, and a little bit of anger washed over me each one fighting for the main spot of attention.
"I believe you owe me your name. I mean you know mine so I believe I should know yours shall I learn it as we walk to your room"?
I suddenly came back to the real world and embarrassment won the prize. I could feel my cheeks start to glow with redness and tried to hide my face from his view."
"You look almost as cute as when your mentioning facts about me as you do when you blush." Nick said
I suddenly realized he had asked to see my room my evil brother knows that every single space in my room is covered in Nick Jonas. My walls are filled with his posters I have bedding with his face on it, my carpet have a rug with him and his brothers spread across it, even my dresser and t.v have pictures of him stuck to them with tape.
"Uh no. No I don't think that's a very good idea right at this moment". I said and I am pretty sure he could hear the nervousness in my voice.
Oh come on it's not like I haven't seen I before" Nick said
Seen it before wait what how could he have seen my room before.
"How, What, Who"? I stuttered continuously
"Zach showed me said his sister had a little crush on me, but I never expected that weird praising room in honor of myself". He said with a clear hint of amusement in his voice.

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