Chapter 1

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Word count: 1418

    "Never say never" that's what my mom would always tell me. Before she died that is. I never had a dad, I'm on my own. Sure I live in a house for orphan children, but no one there really cared about you. Since moms death, never has been my word, I would never see her again, never hear her voice.

     I through my legs over the edge of my bed and sit up, I had better things to do that lay in bed a mope. Well, not really, but that's the only thing I had been doing these past five years since the accident. I shake my head, I didn't want to think about it.

     I look at the clock, it's eight o'clock in the evening. I didn't eat, I had a habit of skipping meals without even realizing it. I guess it happened again tonight, but I didn't really want to eat right now. Today was Sunday, which means I have school in the morning. I walk over to my dresser and grab some clothes before heading to the girls shower room. I was given my own room because I had suffered such a 'traumatic experience'. I didn't mind though, it allowed me to have some alone time.

When I get the the shower room it's empty, most of the girls were in there room showered by now. The ones who were waiting till morning for a shower would have to wait, there was almost always a wait for showers unless you went at the right times. I set my clothes on a chair in the stall and close the shower curtains. I turn the nob so that the water will get as warm as possible before I begin striping off my clothes. I step into the shower and stare at the wall as I wash myself.

     I get lost in thought before I turn the water off and dry myself off. I threw on some clothes before leaving the showers and going back to bed. This place wasn't as bad as the movie Annie but there were some things that were eerily similar. When I get to my room I put my things down on 'the chair' the same chair that you put everything on saying that you'll clean it off later but you never do, yeah that chair. I flop onto the bed and stare at the ceiling for a while before I roll over and turn off my lamp. I lay still for a while before my eyes finally become heavy.


     I was in my house, my mom had died just last week. I was packing a bag so that I could go with the woman that has been taking care of me. Suddenly there was a pounding at the door, before I could open it a man threw it open. He was a big man with jet black hair and brown eyes. He looked down at me the began walking towards me. Something told me to be afraid of this man, be very afraid. I felt my back hit the wall as he kept coming toward me.

     When he was only inches from me he yelled at me, "It's your fault! It's your fault that she's dead!" He screamed. I cower into the wall, "no it's not, it's not my fault. I didn't kill her I'm only 11!" I yell back. I can feel the tears as they start to stain my face. He picked me up by the shirt and pined me to the wall, I closed my eyes so that I didn't have to look at him. I could feel him lean into me as he yelled it again, "It's your fault! She is dead because of you!" He screamed. He then dropped me onto the floor and when I opened my eyes I was in a field.

People started coming from behind trees toward me chanting that same things that the man had been saying. Their voices rang in my head, the kept saying it till I had to believe it. My mom was dead because of me.


I jolt up out of bed. Sweat was beading down my face as I take in my surroundings. I was back in my room, in the house for orphan children. I take deep breaths and try to expel the dream from my thoughts. I kept telling myself that it was only a dream till I was calm. It wasn't the first time I have had that dream. When it first happened I had that dream almost every night.

I started getting dresses and putting things in my bag for school. I look in the mirror before I go. I see green eyes looking back. I had long white hair and pail skin, I was albino. When the light hit my eyes they were red, and all the kids made fun of me for it. I looked like my mother with high cheekbones and a small nose, but my eyes no longer held the same light that hers always had.

I shake my head and grab my bag to head to school. On my way out the door I grabbed a granola bar that I could eat on the way to school. I stand at the buss stop waiting for it to show up. When it does I climb on and give a nod to the driver. I walk to the back and listen to people call me that name I was given in elementary school, "hey elf girl over here!" One of them shouted before laughing with his friends. They called my elf, because they thought I looked like I had just walked out of the hobbit of something.

Once I was in my seat I began staring out my window. We had a few more stops before we got to school. Suddenly I felt someone plop onto the seat next to me. I turned to see Mac sitting next to me. She smiled at me before she hugged me. She had long brown hair and bright blue eyes, she was also the only friend I had. She signed 'good morning' to me, I smiled and signed it back. Mac was def so when she joined our school in third grade I learned how to speak sign language to that I could talk to her. It took me a moth but after that we were best friends. She was there for me when my mom died and didn't let me go through the cracks at my worst times.

When we got to school we walked in together before going our separate ways. I walked into my math class for first period and everyone was buzzing. I sat down in my seat and pulled out a book, I wasn't really one for gossip, I prefer the quiet life. When the teacher walks in he drops his book onto his desk, "I see most of you have already heard, we will be getting two new students today. They will be arriving shortly." He said before walking up to me. I put my book down to give him my attention. "You are one of my most advanced students, and these two boys that are joining our school haven't done that math that we are doing yet." I nod for him to continue. "Would you be able to tutor them both during class to get them caught up?" He asked me. I sit and think, I didn't like people but I could use to meet new people, or at least that's what Mac would say. I nod giving him the okay, that I would tutor them. He smiled, "Great, you can start with them tomorrow since we aren't doing anything today." He said. I smiled at how happy he seamed. I didn't smile often but I loved my math teacher. Suddenly there was a knock at the door and the room went silent. Two boys walked in, the looked exactly the same other than their eyes. They were both well built with strong chiseled jaws, and shiny black hair. One had bright green eyes while the other had dark brown eyes.

The teacher shook hands with both of them, "class this is Mason and Sinner James. They are identical twins and the newest members of your class." He said. They both took a seat one right behind me and the other right next to him. And already I could tell that these boys had a history.


Thank you for reading my book! I had a lot of fun with this chapter and already I love these two boys based on some ideas I have. I hope to see you next chapter! "Stay foxy"~Kit

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