Chapter 2

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     I try to pay attention to what the teacher is saying but I can feel their eyes burning into the back of my head. Turns out I have chemistry with them in the last period of the day as well as first period math. I'm not sure why, but they have both been staring at me every time they see me, math, lunch, the halls, and now in chemistry. Great because this is exactly what I need, two creepy stalker boys joining my school that I'm supposed to begin teaching math to. When the bell rings I leap out of my chair and grab my things. I have never been so happy to head back to that children's home.

     I go to meet Mac at her locker, taking the long way so that I don't run into the James brothers. When I get to her locker she sees my worried face. 'What happened?' She signs, 'its a long story' I sign back. She nods and finishes in her locker, 'want to come over?' She asked, 'yes!' I respond enthusiastically, causing her to giggle. Anyone who saw us 'talking' would think we're insane, but I find talking with my hands and face much more enjoyable that's talking with words.

     We start walking to the busses and we take our usual seat in the back. I didn't bother telling anyone were I was going since no one would really care. I begin telling her all about the twins since no one would know what we were saying anyway. By the time I Finnish we were back at her house and in her room, she scrunches her nose, 'creepy much' she signs. I bust out laughing, 'I know right!' I respond.

     Neither of us had any homework to do so we just sat there talking. Before we knew it her mom was home. The door creaked open her her mom piped her head in, "Skyler! Oh it's so good to see you," she yelled engulfing me in a hug, she didn't bother signing it. Mac and I both laughed at her appearance, what was probably once a messy bun was now only half in the hair tie, she was covered in flower, and she had an egg shell stuck in her hair. Mac looks at her and signs, 'do we want to know what happened?" We all laugh before her mom signs back 'we got a new guy in the bakery" at that we all laugh harder.

We fill her mom in on what happened at school today with those boys. Her mom was one of those cool moms that was more like a friend than a mom, their relationship was super close since she was an only child and her dad left when she was three. When we were done her mom signed 'they better be glad it was you and not me. If they had been staring at me all day I would have slapped their stalker faces, then walked away with a hair flip and a back snap.' We all bust out laughing and I responded 'I'll keep that in mind for tomorrow when I start tutoring them in math' I say. They both get horrified faced, 'you have to tutor them too!' Mac signs. I just nod and they both roll their eyes. Her mom pats our legs and stands up. 'I'm going to make dinner, Skyler are you staying the night?' She signs I look at Macs hopeful face and nod, who could say no to her face?

After an amazing dinner, we head back up to Mac's room. Her mom was an amazing cook. We chat for a while longer before we both drift off to sleep.


     I was in my room again, this time I was prepared for what was going to happen. But when the door opened I was met with a pair of green eyes, it was Sinner James. I quickly look down at myself and realize that I'm not 11 i was 16 still. I look back up at him but he was gone. He was replaced by an evil looking man with black eyes and dark hair. The man walked up to me and grabbed me by the throat, "you'll die at my hands before you can save anyone" he said in a menacing voice. I claw at his hands around my neck, "w-what do you m-mean? I c-can't save anyone." I choked out. He laughed, "of corse you can't," he said leaning in," because I'm going to kill you." He dropped me to the floor and I curled into a ball whimpering.

     I suddenly felt a warm hand on my shoulder and locked up. This time it was Sinner again, he looked at we with big green eyes filled with worry. He smiled when I looked at him, "my brother and I need to talk to you." He said, and before I could respond he said, "But first wake up, wake up, wake up!" He began chanting louder and louder till it was no longer his voice.


I bolt upright in the bed. I look around with wild eyes and take in my surroundings. I'm still in Mac's bedroom, Mac was standing in the corner with a fearful look in her eyes, her mom was sitting over me. Once I was calm it registered that her mom had woken me up.

Mac ran over to me throwing her arms around me. Her mum signed 'what happened?' I pull away from Mac, I haven't told anyone about the dreams I have been having so I start by telling them about that. After I tell them about the dream I have been having for the past few years I tell them about the one I had just had. Mac and her mom both hug me tight, it felt good to tell someone what had been going on inside my head, I cried on their shoulders for a while. When we pulled apart I looked at the time, it was four in the morning, but I don't think any of us were going back to sleep.

Her mom smiled at both of us, 'I'll go make some breakfast." She said before leaving the room. Mac begins telling me about how they woke me up. She felt me shaking and tossing around in my sleep, so she rolled me over and I was mumbling thing and crying, obviously she had no clue what I was saying. She tried to shake be awake but freaked out when it didn't work so she ran and got her mom, she said that even then it took her mom almost ten minutes to wake me up. I thank her and pull her in for another hug.

A few minutes later I hear her mom yell up the stairs, "Girls, food is ready! Oh crap! Skyler tell Mac that food is ready!" I bust out laughing and Mac gives me a questioning look, I sign to her what just happened and we both laugh as we head down stairs. We eat in a comfortable silence.

     We talked for a while before we started getting ready. As I was brushing my teeth, that was when reality set in again. I would be spending an entire class period, one on one with the James twins. Well this is going to be great.


Hello! Sorry this chapter took a little longer than I hoped for it to. The ending is kind of crap but unneeded to wrap up the chapter. I can't wait to see you next chapter or in my other book! Until then 'Stay Foxy!' ~Kit

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