Chapter 3

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     Mac decided to drive today, so when we get to school we both hop out and see that last two people I wanted to see. I looked over at Mac and could see that she wasn't happy to see them ether, which is funny since she only knows what I have told her.

     They were stepping out of a sleek black car, with out looking at their eyes I couldn't tell who was who but the one who drove threw the keys to the car to the other saying something about driving home after school. Before Mac and I could turn to scurry into the school I caught Sinners eye. Our eyes locked and I couldn't look away, something in his emerald eyes looked daring, like he knew something that I didn't. I was like a deer caught in head lights till Mac pulled me out of the trance and we quickly made it to the school.

     She turned to me, 'what was that?' She signed.

     'I don't know, and I don't want to find out.' I responded. She gave me one last worried look before we parted ways.

     I took my time walking to math, I was not looking forward to facing those two. When I enter the room Mr.McArther smiles at me, "great, you're here!" He exclaimed. He picked some books up off the front table, "here these should have the things you need, and this will tell you what they need to be caught up on. You can go up to the library, I'll call up when class is almost over and I'll excuse you three from homework till they are all caught up." He said handing me two books and a pice of paper. I nod my head and mumble a thank you. I start heading up to the library to get a study room, I guessed that the stalker twins were already up there since they weren't in the classroom.

     They were both standing in a corner talking in hushed voices but I could make out part of their conversation, "are you sure it's her?" One of them asked. "I'm positive, but not just that I think that she's my mate as well," he said, becoming more timid at the last part. The one who spoke first clenched his fists then unclenched them, " Sinner I swear you have the worst luck of anyone I have ever known, and we both know that's saying a lot. You just better hope to all that's holy that her second mate doesn't show up. That's the problem with double mated creatures, you might want to start cozying up to her and fast before some mutt shows up to take her away. You know how pathetic and needy those things can be." He whispered a little louder than he probably meant to.

     I didn't want them to know that I had been listening so I act like I had just gotten to the library. I walk up to them as they just silently stare at each other, "hey guys, sorry it took me a bit to get up here. I forgot to get something from my locker." I said trying not to give away the fact that I had just heard what they had said. I was really curious to know what they meant and who they were talking about, but I knew I couldn't ask them about it.

     They both whip around to look at me. Sinner give me a big smile that would have most girls swooning, I'm not one of those girls. Mason just gives me a smirk and winks and says, "that's perfectly alright doll, we were just talking and I hate math anyway. I'm surprised that a pretty thing like you likes it." I rolled my eyes at him and Sinner gave him a glare that I'm sure could kill.

     "I don't really like it that much, I'm just good at it. Now come on, the sooner we start the sooner I can get to my next class." I say, mumbling the last part, they obviously heard though because as I turned to head in to one of the rooms I heard Sinners soft whisper growl, "thanks Mason, now she hates us."


     Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is a bit short, I just really wanted to publish something since I might not get to post these next 2-3 weeks. I'll try to get one more update in for you guys though! I hope you are having a wonderful summer! I would love to get to know my readers so if you ever want to talk just message me!! Well on that note "stay foxy" guys!!! -kit

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