Chapter 5

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I sit on the restroom floor crying. Memories of my past ran through my head. I heard a knock at the door before Mac walked in. She walked over and sat next to me wrapping her arms around me. I lean into her and begin crying on her shoulder, she just rubs my back and lets me cry, not even making a move to get up when her wrist band flashes telling her that the bell had rung.

Eventually we left the restroom and each made our way to sixth period, no one even looked at the when I walked and and the teacher didn't question me, seeing that I had been crying. There was only ten minutes left of class then I had my last class of the day.

As I left the room the teacher gave me a sad smile, most people knew about my mothers death, they just don't know how. I walk in to my next class and sit down putting my face in my hands. I was begging to feel almost normal again. I couldn't be mad and the James twins though, they didn't know about my past they only asked a simple question. Not even Mac knows what happened that day, only what some of the people in my school know. I don't use my last name. Ever. That day changed me, I was broken, no one wanted me, I was surprised that even Mac stuck around.

I was broken out of my pathetic thinking when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see a pair of worried green eyes looking back at me. Sinner didn't say a word at first, only stood there looking at my sad eyes, "I'm sorry. About earlier I mean, I don't know if it's something I said or did, hell I could have been some one els for all I know. But I wanted to make sure you were okay, my brother and I didn't follow you earlier because we figured that Mac knew what to do, and we didn't want to make it worse. But if someone did something to you I want to know, I'll personally scare the living shit out of them." He said, running his hand through his hair a few times.

I nod to he and and turns to walk back to his seat. I see he brother and Mason offers me a small smile, I give him a wobbly one in return not caring if it was convincing or not. At the moment I was tired, tired of pretending that everything was ok. The teacher walked in and began the lesson but I couldn't pay any attention. Why did Sinner care so much? I barely knew him, he is probably just looking for a friend since he's new and all. We were told that we would be having a lab day tomorrow and needed to pick a group. Because of the number of people there would be three groups of four and one group of three. I considered asking to work alone like usual before Mason walked over, "She said one group of three, right? Well you are the only person my brother and I know, and no offense but it doesn't look like you have any friends in this class. So, do you want to work with us." He asks.

     I look around the room and nod, he was right. I didn't really have any friends other than Mac. Sinner walked over and smiled, probably hearing that I would be working with them. After everyone had a group the teacher gave us a paper for tomorrow. The bell rung and people started to file out of the class.

     I looked around and saw that Mason and Sinner were about to leave the room. I grabbed Sinners wrist before he could leave, causing him to turn and look at me. He raises and eyebrow before I speak, "did you still want to meet with me tonight?" I ask.

     He gives me a confused look, "you aren't upset with me?" He asks. I furrow my eyebrows at him, why would I be mad at him. If he was talking about lunch it wasn't his fault.

I shake my head, "I don't have a reason to be upset with you idiot. Did you still want to meet to work on math tonight?" I ask. I didn't know if he had changed his mind or not. After lunch I wouldn't be surprised if they both wanted to stay away from me. He just nodded his head and left the room. I went to collect my things before leaving the room. Something about these boys was different, and I wanted to know what it was. I needed to know, I had a strange pull to Sinner, and I wanted to know why. But I couldn't out right ask. They might think I'm mentally insane. I wanted to know about their conversation too, I guess I would just have to wait for fate to reveal the answers to me.

-Masons POV-

I lean against the car waiting for Sinner to hurry up. I didn't know what was taking so long but I was tired of waiting. I gave him the keys this morning since I drive to school he usually drives home. I finally see him walking out of the school with a stupid smile on his face. When he unlocks the car I get in and look at him. "Tell me you didn't do anything" I said. I my act like a hard headed jerk at school, but that's mostly an act. Sinner got his name for a reason, he has caused all kinds of trouble for both of us.

He raises and eyebrow at me and shake his head before pulling out of the car park. "I didn't do anything. I told you, I'm going to be a better person now, I'm not going to cause trouble. I took a little longer because Skyler talked to me after class." He said smirking. Since he found Sky he's been acting like he's all that and a bag of chips. Probably is, she had no idea that their mates or what we are.

I look at him, "did she punch you, oh please tell me she did. Oh wait no that would mean I missed is." I say. I thought I would mess with by brother a bit.

He gives me a glare, "no, she did not. In fact she was making sure that we were still meeting tonight." He said. I'm glad that my brother is happy and all but I really wanted to wipe that smug look right off his face. When we get home I hop out of the car. Our house wasn't huge but it was two stories with two Master bedrooms and a few guest rooms. My favorite part was the kitchen, I may be cocky as hell but I loved cooking, and Sinner wasn't allowed any where near the kitchen. I swear he could burn water, oh wait... he has.

When we walk into the house I throw my bag onto the couch and walk to the kitchen. I sit down at the table and pull out my phone, "so when are you meeting our lovely miss sky?" I ask. I look up at him as he opens his mouth, then closes it.

"Shit, I didn't ask." He mumbles. I bust out laughing as he pulls out his phone. "Smooth brother, real smooth." I say still laughing at his stupidity. He glares at me before smiling. "I'll meet her in an hour." He said.

Suddenly the room went quiet, "do you think she knows what she is?" I ask. He shakes his head, "yeah, that's what I thought" I said.

We both sat in silence, knowing that we would have to tell her. I knew there was something she was hiding but I didn't know what. We couldn't afford for her to be scared of us, or hate us so we would have to find a way to tell her. We needed to tell her soon though, because things were getting worse.


Yay! Another chapter! Sorry that chapter four was so crapy. I tried to do another point of view, what do you think?!? I'm not sure but I might bring in a new character soon, so look forward to that. Not really much to say, so I'll see you next chapter my loves, "Stay foxy"-Kit

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