Chapter 4

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I close the door behind them and place the books and paper on the table. I read over the paper, " so looking at what you guys still need to work on I think we should start with the volume and area on non-symmetrical containers and how to use it to solve formulas." I say picking up one of the books. "What ever you say doll," I hear Mason say, I was getting a little better at telling them apart. Sinner whacked Mason on the back of the head, giving him a dirty look.

      I rolled my eyes at him again and open the book to the chapter I need. I write out a few practice problems for them to both try to see just how much help they need. I hand them both a sheet of paper with two problems on them, Sinner smiles at it giving me the impression that he might know what he's doing, and Mason just groaned. I flip through the book and look at some of the titles.

    After a few minutes they both hand me their papers and I use the book to check the answers, even though I probably didn't need to. I look up at Mason, "you did really well, the only thing you messed up is you forgot the power of two and over here you need to add not multiply. You might want to double check your measurements on the shape too but you did pretty well." I say pointing at things on the paper.

     Sinner smiles, "how did I do?" He asked. I looked at his paper and frowned, "what is it?" He asked, the smile fading from his face.

     I look up at him, "well, you kind of... well you know... you failed." I mumble. He just stops letting his mouth fall open, "I what?!?" He asked.

     I look at the book then the paper not wanting to look at him, I may not like him much but I felt kind of bad. " your answer isn't even close, and I don't know were you got half of your numbers." I said. When I looked back up he was just looking from his paper that was still in front of me and his brothers paper that was on the table.

       Mason busted out laughter, "looks... looks like I got the brains and the looks" he said around his cackling. At the same time Sinner and I gave him a hard glare that had him shutting up, "maybe you need some one on one tutoring with sky here." He said with a smirk.

      Sinner threw his head onto the table mumbling about how he had lived long enough for the lord to take him now. I looked at them both clearing my throat, "well, I mean I guess math doesn't come naturally to everyone. But um maybe Mason is right, maybe some extra help could be useful for you." I said quietly, as if I was talking to a small child.

     Mason busted out laughing again, I glared at him so that he would shut up. "Damn, you have a death glare that could send a man crying." He said. I shook my head at him when a girl walked into the room we were in, "class is almost over if you want to start heading back down." She said closing the door in her way back out.

     I start grabbing the books and both of their papers to walk out of the room. As I stand us so do both of the boys. We walk the halls in silence till we get back to the class room. "Wonderful, how did the first lesson go?" Our teacher exclaimed from his desk. I didn't say a word, I only handed him the papers, "Mason, looks like you're doing quite well in this portion, you may need a little help but over all you're doing great. And Sinner... oh" he says, looking up at Sinner. He looks back at the paper for a minute before looking back a Sinner again.

I guess Sinner knew that Mr.McArther was about to say something else so he quickly said, "I know I did poorly on this practice, I have never been good at these types of problems. But Sky said that she could help me during lunch or after school." He gave me a hopeful look when he finished. I smiled and nodded. I couldn't figure out why, but no matter how much I wanted to not like the guy I just couldn't, and usually I can hold a grudge like no other. Sinner smiles at me and I can't help but to smile back, when I realize what I'm doing I quickly grab the things I left of my desk and hurry out of the room when the bell goes off.

     I get through my classes and find Mac at lunch. When we sit at our table I start to explain what had happened during math, about the Sinner, and the conversation I had over heard. Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder and I whip around to see the James twins, "mind if we sit? Anywhere else and people will just be starring at us for all of lunch." Mason said. I look at Mac and she only shrugs, I could tell she wanted to meet the creepy stalker new guys.

     I look back at them, "I don't know if it will stop the starring  but, sure. I can't really stop you." I say. They both smile at us before sitting down in front of us. We had a nice conversation, occasionally Mac would give me a questioning look, wanting to know what they said so I would tell her. The twins started to pick up on the fact that she was def so they would ether tell me what to tell her or write it on a pice if paper, and the same went for her responding.

     I didn't mind translating things, it just meant that both Mac and I were part of the conversation, and I liked the fact that someone other than me could be her friend. Since the beginning it was only us, a lot of people didn't know that she couldn't hear, but they thought that the two of us were odd and never wanted to be our friends. Suddenly Mason speaks up, pulling me from my train of thought, "hey, when are you two going to start working on your math stuff." He asks.

     I look at Sinner and he shrugs, "tonight works for me if you're free." He says. I nod. With that he smiles, he looked like a six year old that had been told that Santa was coming early this year.

      I think for a second, "do you want to meet at 'the hill', it's the hill by Dugan's Nuts and Bolts, around here we just call it 'The Hill'" I say, I thought that I would explain 'The Hill' since they were new here.

     Sinner nodded and pulled out his phone, after typing some stuff he handed it to me, "Here, put your number in really quick." He said. I took the phone from him and typed in my number along with my name. "You didn't put in your last name." He said looking up from his phone.

      Mason looked over, "yeah, why not, I mean it's not like we know a lot of Skylers, just that most people put their last name." He said looking up at me. Both of them were looking at me so Mac gave me a questioning look, I told her that I was meeting Sinner after school, and about their question over my name. As soon as she realized what was happening she looked at the twins and violently shook her head. "What's wrong we just want to know her name." Mason said and wrote so that Mac knew what he said.

      Mac just shook her head again but it was too late, thoughts were already playing through my head. "I don't have a last name." Is all I said before I stood up and ran out of the cafeteria. After everything that had happened, I didn't have a last name.


     Hey guys! I actually meant to post this yesterday but I kind of forgot, oops! I hope to like the chapter, looks like Skyler has a lot of secrets... well let's just hope she tells the twins soon. I say that knowing that my plans could change within seconds, half the book plan is already different. Oh well, we will see. Until next chapter my loves, "Stay foxy"~Kit

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