Ch 1

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-Short AN: the story will mainly be told in the pov of Margot, but may change at times I'll be sure to let you know when that happens. Also the picture is Margot to give you an image of how I pictured her when writing the character-

I get off the train that was just moving high speed to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry just a few hours ago. But at last we have arrived and I couldn't be happier to be back. I smile brightly as I think of how I will spend my last year at the place I've come to love and call home. I'm so glad prof-... I mean headmistress Mcgonagall, is letting all of the previous seventh years come back to redo our seventh year that we missed because of that wretched war. I shiver at the thought of the war, so many poor and innocent lives were lost. However we must stay strong and not let their spirits be forgotten. The school has been repaired over the summer and it looks spectacular like before, I'm starring in awe when I get pulled out of my trance by a friendly voice "What?" I shout, turning around missing what Hermione has just said.

"I said let's go before we miss all the carriages, you can see the castle better up close. Now let's go." She repeats rolling her eyes with a chuckle. I smile as she grabs my arm and pulls me into the last carriage with Harry, Ron, and Neville.

"Hello Neville, how have you been lately?" I ask when I sit down next to him.

"Oh I've been alright, Nan has been checking in on me a lot lately to make sure I'm ok from the war and all the...death." He says looking down gloomily. He sees my face turning into a sorrowful one so he tries to change the subject. "Luna comes to visit me frequently which is very pleasant and made my summer fun." He said with a big smile. I smile back thankful for the differ of the topic of war. Luna and Neville started dating shortly after the war up and finished. It was good though, it showed people that even though there had been darkness in the past, light would surely persevere through.

I sit back and also see Ron and Hermione laughing and talking. I remember after the war when all its damage was fixed Hermione had told me about how Ron had taken her  on the most marvelous date ever. It made her so happy she wouldn't stop talking about the date until the next morning when she saw him again. They too soon began to date. I smile at the thought of my two friends coming together, I always knew it would happen since day one in the train compartment.

Then I turn to look at Harry, if the war had effected anyone the most it was him. Poor thing it took him several months to be convinced that it wasn't his fault about all the deaths that came with the war. He's still very anxious when the topic gets brought up but he's gotten better of course with the help from us, his friends. Oh and Ginny she was a major part in helping Harry become the Harry we all knew and loved again. She was always Harry's girlfriend, but after the war she became his light, his inspiration, his hopes and dreams. I smile at that thought too.

Although I stop and stare at the threstral pulling the carriage. We can all see them now, meaning we can all be reminded of the darkness that happened, enabling us to see these interesting creatures. However everybody has somebody to bring them happiness, to take the pain away, to give them their smile. But me, well I have my friends but I don't think it's the same anymore. I guess that will be one of my goals this year. To connect with someone who can make me smile, someone who can be my light. The thought makes me happy. Yes that shall be it. I can't wait I think with a smile plastered on my face.

"Why are you smiling so big Margot?" Harry pulls me back down to earth from my thoughts. I giggle at how I can drift off so easily.

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