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Margot's pov:
Last night after Malfoy and I got back to the castle we got the engagement papers and took them to the owlry. There we signed them saying that we were now engaged and sent them to the ministry.

After we got back not much was said to each other, our dorm was filled with a silence. However, it was a peaceful silence. It was pretty late and after today's events I needed some pleasant sleep. I eyed Malfoy in the kitchen making some dinner for himself or maybe the both of us?

"Hey, I'm gonna head to bed." I said as I approached the stairs. Maybe I'd leave the door open tonight, it didn't seem right to have him sleep on the couch anymore after today. He nodded to me with a small smile. Before I took my first step up the stairs I said "thank you for today Malfoy. Truly thank you." I said with a smile and walked upstairs before I could wait for a response.

Sleep came easy to me that night as I wore not only a big smile but a ring that I would cherish forever.

When I wake I'm up a little late so I rush to get ready. Malfoy isn't anywhere in the dorm so I assume he already left for breakfast. He could've woke me up this morning but what's done is done.

There seems to be nobody in the corridors this Monday morning, everyone must be in the great hall already stuffing their stomachs with delicious foods. At the thought of this my stomach growls and I put a spring in my step towards the great hall.

When I enter most of the hall is filled with chattering students eating and I make my way over to Gryffindor table to eat with my friends. They all give me a smile as I sit down and I'm glad to finally get to eat.

I don't join into conversation just yet as I want to begin eating before I let small talk take over me. As I reach over and scoop some eggs my arm is grabbed by Hermione and I hear "oh my goodness! Margot! You got engaged to Malfoy!"

I smile shyly as all of my friends attention is on me, or should I say the ring that is fit around my finger.

"Well yes. Last night. It kinda came as a bit of a shocker, I honestly didn't even think Malfoy was going to get me a ring but he showed that he was a gentleman." I said aloud to the table smiling looking at the ring. The. I turned to Hermione and spoke so only she could hear, "He even asked my father for his blessing before hand."

I guess speaking lowly for only her to hear wasn't even useful because she then screamed in a shocked state, "HE DID WHAT?" This was said a little too loud as most head around us looked over at the commotion. I even saw a few Ravenclaws and Slytherins look over.

"Shhh Hermione. And I know I couldn't believe it myself either. He said he wanted my engagement special even if he wasn't the man I expected to marry." A smile again creeped on my face as Mione watched me.

Hermione began to ask me a million question along with Ginny and I just answered them throughout breakfast. Halfway through I caught a blonde Slytherin watching me intently causing a blush to appear on my face.

After breakfast was done I headed to marriage class with my friends happily. Inside I saw Malfoy sitting alone next to Blaise and his fiancé.

I walk over and sit by Malfoy who is in a small conversation with Blaise.  Professor Janson came into the classroom clapping her hands gaining everyone's attention.

"Good morning class! I hope all are well!" She smiled out staring at the class waiting for us to respond. Most just nod their head or give her a small smile.

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