Ch. 7

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I open my eyes and automatically close them as a sudden pang of searing pain hits my head. "Oh here take this now that you're up." Said Madam Pomfrey rushing to my side.

"Thank you." I say handing her back the now empty bottle. "May I ask what happened or how I ended up here?" I question.

"Well you fell and hit your head dear." Said Madam Pomfrey gathering open medicine bottles from my bedside table and cleaning up the space.

That's right, that no for good evil little..."Mr. Malfoy brought you back here after you collapsed in the corridors however. Good thing too because by the time you made it to me you had lost quite a bit of blood." She smiled then walked off to go dispose of the bottles.

Malfoy helped me? Impossible, he was the one who caused this whole mess. I still can't believe I trusted him to catch me. I am thankful he helped me I just won't ever say that to his face.

"Here you go dear, eat up and then go see Professor Slughorn after you are done. You should be finished by the time you have to start your detention. Oh and if your head starts hurting again in the next couple of days take these they should help." She said kindly handing me a tray of food and three bottles full of a pinkish colored liquid.

Wonderful, so almost dying didn't even get me out of detention with Malfoy. I roll my eyes at the thought of having to see his face, he is so going to get a long speech from me.

I finish my food and then make my way to the potions class room. I walk slowly trying to delay the next two hours of torture that are to come. When I get to the classroom it's already 7:00 p.m. sharp, I'm on time. I knock on he door wanting to get tonight over and done with already.

"Come in Miss Preston." Says Slughorn on the other side of the door. Inside Malfoy is already sitting at one of the desks and I take the desk opposite of him. For a second he looks quite anxious at the sight of me and then his facial expressions go blank with a straight face.

"For me you two shall clean out all of the cauldrons for me, and then once that is done you'll both organize the potion shelf for me and just tidy up the ingredient closet. No magic." Said Professor Slughorn. He looked between us before asking "any questions?" We both shook our heads. "Very well. You have two hours to finish then you may go." And with that he left.

We both sat there before Malfoy was the first to move. He grabbed the cauldron on his desk and started spraying it down. Finally not wanting to get in trouble for not participating, I grabbed a towel and spray and began on my own cauldron. For the next forty-five minutes neither of us said a word, we just worked in complete silence.

We were on our last cauldrons when Malfoy spoke. "How-.." he was hesitant for a minute, "how is your head?" He finally asked. Looking up and our eyes met for the first time that night.

I quickly looked down. "What's it to you?" I spit. I still hadn't forgotten he was the reason behind my head injury.

He shrugged, "Just making sure you weren't hurt to the point where I would've got in trouble." He said. So he didn't care he was just trying to save his own ass, typical Malfoy.

"That's all you care about? I could've died Malfoy, I bled out so much." I said firmly gaining his attention again and finally looking into his eyes.

His voice turned cold this time. "If you weren't aware I was the one who helped you and took you to Pomfrey before you could lose anymore blood. I can't even get a thank you, you're pathetic." He said with a glare. He has to be kidding me. I'm finished with my pot and make my way over to him.

Damn you Malfoy (Draco Malfoy X OC)Where stories live. Discover now