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I make my way down to the great hall for breakfast. My mood for the day is slowly falling apart and it hasn't even started yet. Hopefully my friends will be able to cheer me up. Luckily Mcgonagal didn't say anything about having to eat with our partners so I sit at the Gryffindor table finally being able to relax.

As I make my way over to the table all signs of laughter and chatter seems to fade and everyone looks at me waiting for me to spill about my night with Malfoy.

I finally break and begin to explain, "Oh it's terrible! Do you all have to share a room in your dorms too? Well I was going to sleep in the room by myself but Malfoy locked me out and made me sleep on the couch which was so uncomfortable I barely got an ounce of sleep. Then when I woke to take a shower he purposely went in before me took so long so all the hot water was gone. This was just night one. How am I supposed to spend the rest of my life with him?" I wail to all of them. I put my head in my hand and look at my plate of pancakes. Too upset to eat I just stare at them.

"Oh poor Margot. We're here for you and I'm sure Ron or Harry will go have a chat with him to make it easier on you." Said Hermione eyeing the boys when she said chat, emphasizing that chatting was all the boys would do to Malfoy. No violence involved.

I smile softly at Hermione and put my hand on hers. "Thank you Hermione. I really appreciate that you guys would do that for me." I say looking at the boys with a huff, "but I'm going to have to handle this on my own since I'm going to be his wife pretty soon." I said the last part with a grimace at the thought of being Draco Malfoy's wife. Yep still not used to the thought of it, don't think I'll ever be.

As breakfast continues on everyone is laughing and chatting about how this school year is going to be something else. The only difference between their school year and mine is that they're happy for theirs, mine has been ruined unfortunately.

I look over at the person to blame for ruining my school year. He's sitting by Zabini and Nott but not engaging in their conversation. He catches me starring and sneers at me. I just roll my eyes and look over and laugh along with my friends at whatever Ron just said. I have to show him he doesn't bother me. Although screaming out in frustration this morning probably didn't help.

Once breakfast is done it's time to head to potions with Slytherins. Wonderful. I just can't seem to get away from the blonde haired ferret.
Dracos pov
I'm still incredibly mad about the whole situation. At first I didn't mind about the forced marriage thing. I come from a pure blood family and already had an arranged marriage with the younger Greengrass daughter. So how was this gonna be much different I had first thought. Clearly I was wrong. I was not planning on marrying some half blood. Since the war I've stopped calling people by names such as mudblood or blodtraitor and have kept to myself more. But I never wanted to marry a witch who wasn't pure blood. Not only was she a halfblood but she was Margot Preston. The girl I've despised since first year.

I was shocked when my name was called. Me? I thought. How could I be her soulmate? I can't stand her and I've made it my mission since age eleven to show her that. Then she turned and begged for a re-test. Was I really that bad where she didn't want to marry me. I guess I was and I got mad, she should've been grateful not many girls are lucky enough to date me let alone become engaged to me by some law. She's a brat I think to myself. If she wants to be that way then I'm gonna continue to make her life miserable, she's not the only one who's life got ruined. I had plans for when school finished and now she's a giant roadblock in the way of them.

I'm going to potions, the class that I hate the least. Once I'm in I can see Blaise and Theo have taken the liberty to sit next to each other and leave me alone. I probably should start joining in their morning conversations if I want them to be my friends again. I take a seat in the back hoping to find peace by my self.

Damn you Malfoy (Draco Malfoy X OC)Where stories live. Discover now