Ch. 6

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Today has been a hectic day and all I want to do is just sleep in that big, comfy, silky, bed. Of course that won't be happening because Malfoy has already taken the pleasure of vacating the bedroom to himself. However he has left the door unlocked this time, might as well tell him I made detention worse for him now instead of waiting for him to yell at me about it in the morning. This way he'll either be too tired to throw insults at me or he'll want me out of his sleeping area immediately he won't have time to complain.

After waiting several minutes I turn the handle hoping he's already asleep. If so maybe I can just save it until the morning and hope he lets me free with out him lashing out at me. I open the door only to find a shirtless Malfoy sitting up straight in his bed reading a book. "Malfoy I-..." I stop realizing what I just walked in on.

Quickly I revert my eyes to the floor not wanting to invade his privacy. Damn I should've knocked first I think. I try to regain my composure and try to think what I was gonna say again but the words weren't coming to mind.

"What do you want Preston?" He said in an annoyed voice that seemed tired. He chuckled as I stayed quiet not motioning to leave or speak. "What? Have you never seen a boy shirtless? You can take a picture if you want probably the only chance you'll get seeing as you have little romance going on with any other toad in this school." He smirked.

That was it, I walked further into the room looking him dead in the eye now pointing my finger at him. "You know what Malfoy for your information I could get a guy if I wanted to! I just don't want to deal with ginormous, arrogant, assholes like you and the rest of the other boys here. So stop saying that." I snap.

He grinned getting off the bed and coming closer to me. "You know me being an arrogant asshole isn't the only thing that's ginormous about me." He said with a wink standing over me.

I pushed him away from me because he was very close and it was either that or hexing him for the remark he gave. "You're disgusting Malfoy." I said glaring at him.

"Are you going to tell me why you're here or not?" He said rolling his eyes strolling lazily back to the bed. As he turned away I could see all the muscles in his back, I moved my eyes to a very interesting candle flickering on the duchess. He was dressed in just a pair of green boxers how wasn't he uncomfortable, I surely was.

"Yes." I said and he looked at me expectingly. "I couldn't get you out of detention and it starts tomorrow. That's why you weren't summoned tonight." I waited for a minute wondering if I should mention that I'll be joining.

"And what about you?" He said looking at me annoyed.

"I'll be joining along side you to serve detention." I said preparing to leave since obviously I wasn't sleeping here again.

"Lovely." He said and got under the covers readying himself for a nights sleep. This was my cue to go back to my "bed."

"Preston?" Malfoy called as I was exiting the door. I could tell there was no malice in his voice, he sounded like he was curious about something. "Why did you sit by my friends and I this evening? Don't give me a bullshit excuse either." He asked starring into my eyes looking for an answer.

I look down for a minute thinking of what I could say, should I tell him about the plan? No that will just ruin the whole idea. "If this," I say looking around the room almost as if this were Malfoy and myself's actual living space. "Is going to be my only future, then I want to try and make things easier by not fighting all the time. Even if we won't love each other I want us to at least become friends." I finish. There was some truth to what I said. I did want the fighting to stop and I did want to make my future easier if I was going to have a life with him. However I didn't ever think we would make it as friends, maybe acquaintances but never anything more.

Damn you Malfoy (Draco Malfoy X OC)Where stories live. Discover now