Gang Imagine

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"Take away the two!" I said to Ponyboy, before whisking behind him to oven. He asked me for math homework help, and I was already having a hectic day.

"WHAT!" Two-Bit called back from the living room. "NOT YOU!" I replied. Oh shoot, Two-Bit!

I ran from the kitchen, in to the laundry room. "What the-" Dallas gasped as a whizzed by him. I took a Mickey Mouse tank top out of the dryer. Cake free!

I sprinted back in to the living room, tossing the top to Two-Bit. "Don't get it dirty again!" I warned.

"Thanks Y/N!"


"Y/N!" Ponyboy called from the kitchen. I bursted in. "Yeah, I heard it."

I put on the oven mitts and took the chocolate cake out, just as Steve and Sodapop walked in through the backdoor. "I smell chocolate!" Steve grinned, crookedly.

"You'll have to wait a few more min- DALLAS!" I called feeling up my pockets. I walked back in the living room and Dallas looked up from the couch. I took out a pack of weeds and tossed it to Dallas.

"Thanks, man." Dallas smiled, pocketing the smokes. I turned back in the kitchen. Steve and Sodapop were sitting at the table, arm wrestling.

"Hey, would ya get outta my space?" Ponyboy shouldered Steve. Steve tousled Pony's hair. "Stop bein' a baby!" Steve shot back.

"Boys!" I scolded. I made Sodapop take Steve's place by Ponyboy. I poured a glass of chocolate milk to Soda. "Thanks, Y/N!"

"Oh, Johnny, where's Johnny?" I asked for no reason. "I need to give him this hair grease."

Dallas looked at me from the couch. He raised his hands up. "Toss it, I'll give it to him when I see him." I tossed the grease to Dally.

"Y/N, I subtracted the two and that made it 23, but how do I divide that by-"

"How's that cake comin along?" Steve interrupted.

The cake!

"Cake's ready!" I called. Steve and Soda leapt from the table, Soda spilling his milk in the process. All over Ponyboy's homework.

Ponyboy jumped up. "No!"

Two-Bit sauntered in to the kitchen to the fridge. He grabbed out a beer and got a slice of cake.

I grabbed a few paper towels to help Pony soak up the milk. "I'll help you copy this down later." I promised him. He shook his head and groaned.

"I had one problem left!" I could see the pain in his eyes.

"Dallas, you're not doing anything. Can you vacuum up a bit?" I pleaded. Dallas waved his hand and went in search of the vacuum.


I sighed, sinking on to the couch. I had made dinner, helped Ponyboy copy his homework, did a load of laundry and folded it, did the dishes, and re-vacuumed the living room because Dallas didn't do it right the first time.

Ponyboy and Soda were asleep, Two-Bit was passed out on the couch, and everyone else was gone. The front door opened.

"Hey, Y/N! Sorry I'm late, traffic was-" Darry began, then he looked around. "The house is spotless!"

"Did the laundry too." I murmured, shutting my eyes. "Your dinner's in the oven."

I opened my eyes back up, as Darry went in to a closet in the hallway. He came back out with two blankets. He put one over me and one over Two.

"Thank you, Y/N." Darry smiled. That's the last thing I saw before I closed my eyes, and falling asleep.


This was honestly so bad I'm sorry guys

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