Ponyboy Curtis Imagine

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Soc x Greaser

Trigger warning: Mention of suicide

Also, this one's pretty long soooo if you don't have a long attention span I wouldn't reccomend


Smile warmer than a summer day;

Eyes brighter than the sun above;

Voice like velvet to the ears that listen;

With a grace that only a strong love can see;

I began to write another line, with a beautiful face in mind. That was, until Mr. Walters snatched the paper off my desk. "Hey!" I cried in alarm, my cheeks beginning to become warm. Mr. Walters peered down at me over his glasses, his balding head catching the light. 

"Mrs. Y/L/N, this is a math class, not language arts." He sneered, causing an upbringing of giggles and chuckles from the class. All except for Ponyboy Curtis, the brightest star in my galaxy and the subject of the now confiscated poem. Ponyboy sat directly to my left, and I usually didn't talk to him much since the greasers and Socs couldn't socialize for some reason. If I did talk to him, it would be social suicide. 

Ponyboy looked at me and smiled sympathetically. I barely mustered one back, the embarrassment causing my ears to ring and the smile making my heart beat louder.

"Well, since this array disrupted  my teaching, we may as well read it, no?" Mr. Walters gave a menacing grin. 

"Please, Mr. Walters, that's private and I'd like to keep it that way." I begged.

 "Well, obviously it's not that private since you decided to leave it on your desk!" And with that, he cleared his throat and began in a mocking feminine voice:

"Smile warmer than a summer day, and eyes brighter than the sun above." He squealed, giving a goofy grin with it. I was mortified. He wasn't taking it seriously at all, and was even reading it wrong! What was worse, the whole class was laughing and they were laughing at me.

"Voice like velvet to the ears that listen-" He continued, but was soon interrupted by the bell. He handed me the paper back, a stern look replacing the giddy one that once vacated his face. "Don't let this happen again." He warned. All I could do was solemnly nod, collect my things and leave the room.


At my locker, I shoved my math textbook inside and replaced it with my science textbook. I closed my locker and began walking down the hall, waving and smiling at friends on occasion. Due to my popularity, the math incident was quickly dismissed. Halfway up the hall, I heard footsteps chasing after me and a manly voice yell "Watch it, hood!"

I turned around to see what caused the commotion and found Ponyboy standing two feet away. He quickly jogged up closer to me, causing a few questioning looks to come my way. I smiled awkwardly at Pony. "Hey, Y/N." He greeted. Whispers began to travel through the crowded hallway, and glances were shot at me and Pony.

"P-Ponyboy. Hi." I forced a smile, feeling the disapproval wafting through the hall. I raised my voice louder and did the worst thing I've ever done in my life. "I know you're only talking to me cause you need the homework help. I'll have to help you after school, sorry. Meet me on the blacktop behind the school, i'll give you the answers there." 

"What?" Ponyboy asked, a confused look clouding his face. 

"After school, okay?" I said a little more firmly, praying he would understand.

And with that, I left Ponyboy standing there stunned and walked away. 


I paced the blacktop after school, waiting for Ponyboy to show up. What if he didn't? What if I really hurt his feelings? I wanted to sob. I'm awful. 

I was about to give up and go home, but then I heard footsteps approaching and Ponyboy appeared. "Hey, Y/N. Sorry, i'm late. My locker was jammed. Mr. Porter had to help pry it open." Ponyboy smiled, and my breath hitched. Smile warmer than a summer day.

"It's fine. Hey, can we talk?" I asked, looking down at the grainy top, shuffling my shoes around. "Yeah, of course." Ponyboy said. We walked over to a bench overlooking the black top, right in front of a stunning Oak that hid the suns rays from touching over the courtyard.

After we took a seat, we were silent. Ponyboy twiddled with his thumbs while I tumbled words around in my brain, thinking about what to say. Well, how to word it.

Pony was the one who broke the silence. "I liked your poem. It was really good." I smiled, thinking how ironic it was that he liked the poem he was never supposed to see. "Thank you."

I took a deep breath, finally deciding how I was going to word my next sentence. "I'm really sorry for what I said back there, in the hallway." In my peripheral vision, I saw Ponyboy look at me, and I turned my head to do the same. "It's alright, Y/N. I get the whole 'Socs can't talk to greasers' thing." 

My heart wrenched. I sighed and nodded. "Yeah, it's considered-"

"Social suicide." Ponyboy finished. All I could do was nod again. "That."

Ponyboy looked deep into my eyes as he said his next sentence, the one that made all the butterflies in my stomach migrate to my brain. "Have you ever considered, that those who commit suicide find heaven?"

 Butterflies in my stomach,

Soaring up high,
The way you make me feel,
I could never deny.

"Ponyboy." I barely breathed out the word before Ponyboy cupped my cheek. "Y/N, I've loved you for the longest time. Sodapop told me what love is, and everything he said I traced back to you. You're the gold in the suns rays, the whisper in the wind, the redness of the roses."

My eyes began to water, and my vision became watery. "I understand if you don't feel the same way, Y/N. I understand if you reject me to save your reputation. But my love for you will never die. Ever."

Ponyboy had always been an excellent writer and when he read his poems aloud in English, I had always listened in amazement. But I had never heard him speak in regular sentence this way.

My tears began to fall, and Ponyboy leaned closer. "Ponyboy Curtis, I have loved you for what seems like eternity, but I was always so scared to show it. I didn't want to lose friends or popularity." I sniffled before I said this next part. "But as long as I have you, I don't care what the consequences are."

Closing my eyes, I leaned into Ponyboy, and our lip connected in perfect harmony. Angels sang in the distance. I pulled away and opened my eyes slowly. I put my forehead against Ponyboys, and we sat like that for a minute. 

"Never leave me." I whispered.

"Wouldn't ever think about it." Ponyboy whispered back.


I apologize if the end is sloppy, I didn't know how to end it and I thought it was pretty bad altogether but I hope y'all liked it. Also, I hope that the line "even those who commit suicide find heaven" didn't offend anybody's religion or their beliefs or just them in general. I love and appreciate every single one of you, and I hope your day is blessed. 

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