The Walk

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By:Robert Zemekis


Ahh my first movie review.

Now let me start by saying this.

This movie is so... Well lets say if I have to say that if I have to give this movie a star it would be only one.


At first the movie's name was strange seeing as my first impression of the movie was Philippe was him doing magic or something and he broke his tooth, running into the dentist he finds a magazine of the world trade center(which I kept inappropriately called either Twin towers or 9/11 towers)and steals it.

The movie then explains that he loved tight roping as a kid and it showed the disappointment of the father at a young age.

Now here is the underdog moment I think everyone would love.

The main character struggled, he came up the pole of the acrobats of the local circus he was inspired from and Papa Rudy his obi-wan Kenobi and welcomes him to the circus, teaching him tightroping, entertaining the audience and giving thanks to them.

And kicks him out.

Later he goes to the city where he does his acrobat between two trees with another fellow entertainer(guitarist)who he steals the hearts of the crowd and it begins to rain(oh how much I love the rai- Wait a second).

Philippe being the gentle Frenchman he is steals a huge umbrella from a cafe across the street and covers Annie from the rain and as agreed Philippe left Annie and Annie bought Philippe wine turning them into one of my OTP's.

A friend of Annie then came who was a photographer and Papa Rudy(being paid by Philippe this time)booked Philippe into a towns festival that frustrates Philippe, losing focus and with all his passion and talent he fell unto the water.

Not a lot of Wattpad books do this, not even I who complain about a lot of what Wattpad books does not.

Still serious about his dream the three coup'état participants booked themselves without permission and crossed Notre Dame.

Europe calls Philippe a mastermind while, France calls him a criminal but Philippe doesn't stop and practice more and more with a new friend of the friend of Annie by the name of Dave came and helped with the coup.

Now in Notre dame they used fishing line then the actual tightrope but the World Trade Center is different so the friend brings a bow and arrow to bring the tightrope to the other side. Crazy I know.

Then... I think they went to New York after that but not before Papa Rudy gave Philippe a safety rope in case... You know.

Then they got to New York with Philippe the most honest Frenchman I know by telling airport security his coup and the four tries to find a way to communicate with each other.

Going into a store they meet another participant that they think is tricking them as Philippe pressures him that an intercom was better than what any wireless walkie talkie can do(because Walkie talkies can be intercepted through the airwaves)and then they get caught because the dude could speak French.

Welcoming them with two other people Philippe then went into incognito and accidentally stepping on a nail...... Isssssh even I felt that pain.

But anyway here comes another coup participant that recognizes him during an elevator ride that has access throughout the entire tower.

Skipping to a bedroom scene(no sex)Philippe is stress and in the middle of night he "puts the final nail to the coffin" though it's just a box.

Annie wakes up(and with that sound how isn't the neighborhood awake?)and tells Philippe he's being selfish, realizing this he wakes up everyone sleeping and thanks only to tell them that tomorrow is a big day.

Sneaking into the twin towers and into the roof they're decreased into four men since the guy from the store needed to distract the elevator operator and one chickened out but the intercom worked.

Dead of the night they sneak past a guard by hiding in the tarp of an unfinished elevator that resulted in one of their deaths. Ha no.

The first friend, the cameraman shoots the tightrope to the other tower but Philippe strips into his underwear for no reason at all and finds the bolt hanging from a ledge. Nice shot there pal.

The tightrope begins but as dawn breaks the tightrope isn't finish yet and one guy chickened out but as the tightrope finishes Philippe's turtleneck falls and Annie panics only to realize it's his turtleneck.

Angry by this Philippe still does the tightrope act.

Now this is the most powerful act I've ever seen, when Philippe falls I(can't speak for everyone)feel it, the fear, the suspense and all of this was holding up because Philippe was fleshed out with flaws, passion, emotions and dreams and every step he takes you can feel it.

The ending was very satisfying but I was sad Philippe and Annie didn't kiss but this was based on a true story but at least we got a very hopeful, inspirational and tear jerking ending.

Why didn't this won an oscar?

My face throughout the film? A mixture of my jaw dropping, smiling and me jumping around. A little something like these in a way,

If that doesn't say happiest man in the world I don't know what will.

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