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"You told me that if I helped you, I could get my fiance back!" Derek yelled in fury. His fists were clamped together, ready to punch the very man who lied to him.

"What they did was not part of the plan, deary." the voice was high pitched and a bit squeaky. "If you'd shut your mouth for once, maybe I could come up with a better plan."

"As long as she's back home with me in three days, then I won't send someone to find me. To be technical, you kidnapped me."

"What did I tell you?" the man huffed.

Derek rolled his eyes, remaining silent.


Ok, I'm sure most of you heard of what happened before you started reading this right?

No, well if you're lazy, just read this little snippet. Although if I were you, I'd read Falling In before reading this book.

So a few years ago I was with my best friend, we had a house together, yahta yahta. A bunch of boring stuff happened, whatever. Anyways, there was a law that all girls needed to be married at the age of 14 or something, so my best friend and I pretended to be a couple. Someone found out and sent me to be married to a prince from a different kingdom. I actually had a thing for the guy and my best friend at the time, and whole bunch of crazy things happened.

My best friend pretty much kidnapped me, lied to me, etc.

Ok, I think you just need to read the story I can't explain it in a few paragraphs.

Author's Note:

Guys, this is it.

I'm making a sequel that actually might work for once.

Let me know in the comments where you think it'll take place and who might show up.

Also, I don't know about the cover, if y'all want to make a better one, please do. I'll follow, comment, read, whatever you want. I just... I don't know....

I'll try to make a better one

-Bella Kae <3

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