Chapter 11

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I was in fact back at the castle I had been staying in the past few months. Derek had agreed to stay with us for a few weeks to plan the wedding. Both kingdoms were very excited that we would finally be unting. For years the two had never gotten along.

The night Derek had arrived, we talked all night long. Of course, we always liked escaping the castle, and decided to take a walk down one of the dirt roads that the royal carriages went down. I had slid on a pair of riding pants, so that I could be more comfortable during the walk. It was a challenge getting past all the staff members in pants, but I made it out alive.

As we walked down the road, I began to recognize the area.

"Would you rather have it inside or outside?" Derek asked, still planning out what the wedding would be like.

I had been spacing out, trying to connect the dots to what happened. When he noticed, he stopped in his tracks, making me run into him.

"Oh-" I rubbed my forehead, stumbling back a bit.

"What's wrong, Bailey? You haven't been responding every since we came to this part of the road."

"I just.. This place is really familiar." I narrowed my eyebrows, finally figuring out where I was. My eyes widened, making Derek feel a bit confused.

"I don't know why you would feel it was familiar. Last time it was used was a hundred years ago." he said this in all seriousness. "The only people that ever used it would have been-" Derek stopped, looking me up and down while I stared into the distance. "The Matewood family... who disappeared." he began to realize now, that I might have just been one of the missing family members he had studied about as a child.

"Derek we need to leave. I don't feel safe here." I said quietly, moving closer towards him.

"You're Bailey Rose Matewood." Derek looked into my eyes, with wonder and worry. "No one even knows you're alive! You're alive!" he started to freak out, then suddenly stopped.


"How are you alive if you- No, you can't be that Bailey. You must be a descendant."

I heard a stick snap, which meant it was a good time to run. I grabbed Derek's hand, dragging him with me as I sprinted down the long dirt road, only a few miles away from the castle.

We panted, finally inside a safer place. Derek was still trying to figure out my identity, mumbling to himself every few seconds.

"The king... He he didn't even know you were royal did he?" Derek took deep breaths while I dropped to the ground, exhausted.

"No. He doesn't know. No one does." I finally responded. "And no, I'm not a descendant... I'm the... The real Bailey."

"How- How is that-"

"Don't ask. It's complicated."

"You must have used some sort of magic. Wasn't your family magical?! Are your parents still alive?! The books-"

"The books are true. Everything but me dying. After we were jumped, someone found me and took me into a village home."

"But that was a hundred years ago!"

"When I was 12, let's just say a little magic came into my life and poof, I'm 100 years into the future."

"So you must know of the chamber! It's been hidden for years and no one has been able to find it!"

"What chamber? There's no chamber." I rolled my eyes, starting to walk away from Derek.

"Bailey, please don't leave! I know you're annoyed but this is just very fascinating!" He ran behind me, and tried catch up.

I finally escaped into my room for the night, after losing him on the stairs.

That very next morning, I heard the market was open. I needed to get away from the castle. From the king, the servants.

From Derek.

I slid the engagement ring off my finger, so if I was jumped, they wouldn't take it and recognize me.
Author's Note:
I'm actually working on the next chapter so I don't know if it'll be up next week or not.
-Bella Kae

E.T. by Katy Perry (ft. Kayne West)

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