Chapter 13

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Immediately, I backed away, running into a wall during the process. "I thought-"

"I was back on Neverland? You're smart, you should know I have tricks up my sleeve. Mom."


"Papa? Oh, don't worry. He's still here. Eating at the diner to be exact. He has no clue I'm here."

"What do you want from me?" my heart was beating so much I thought it would burst through my chest. I needed to stay calm.

"I'm not here to hurt you." he said calmly. "I just wanted to properly meet you. Since you died.."

I narrowed my eyes, knowing that he wouldn't act like this unless he wanted something. "Don't even try Rumple, I may look like I'm 18, but trust me, I'm older than I look. So don't think you can trick me into something-"

I stopped, seeing Peter appear behind Rumple. As soon as he turned around, Peter put the cuff he had made years ago onto him. "You're so predictable, Rumple. Even your own parents knew you'd be here."

"Papa, nice to see you again."

Peter saluted him, casually walking over to me. "I think it's time we left Storybrooke."

Rumple stood, mouth opened wide as we vanished into thin air.


We were standing at the edge of a beach, staring at the jungle of Neverland. Peter waved his hand, so that we changed into more fitting clothing for the area.

It was darker out, getting close to sundown.

I looked down at my new outfit, to see that I was showing a lot of cleavage. And once again, I was wearing a dreaded corset, made of leather!

Peter looked at me, and smirked. I opened my mouth to speak, but he shook his head. "It's fine. We're not in Rosewood, Bailey."

He held his hand out, waiting for me to take it. As our fingers intertwined, we heard a chilling scream, followed by a roar or horns.

Peter and I looked at each other. His face was filled with realization, and I was worried. "Bloody hell... The time change." He muttered.

"How long have we been gone? It must have been at least a week or so." I reassured.

Peter shook his head, "Time runs differently here. And if I'm not around to maintain it, things can go very wrong."

I looked at my surroundings, seeing that the jungle we once knew had lost it's color. It had become brown, old, and rotten. But as Peter and I stepped through, snapping sticks under ourselves, the path become more green. We added the life to the island.

There were more horns blowing, louder every time they were blown. With that we ran into the jungles of Neverland, following the sound of lost boys going wild.

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