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CH. 6 -- PETE

The want to punch Patrick in the face is almost as huge as the desire to let him show me just what those talented, calloused fingers and that pretty mouth can do to make me come undone underneath him. I stare at the back of his head, thinking about what I can do to fix this.

He's supposed to help me make Joe jealous, but he can't do that if we're pissed at each other. Spencer drops his pen from a few seats ahead of me, snapping me out of my thoughts. He smirks at me because I can't look away quick enough, and he catches me staring at the boy next to him.

Dallon leans over towards me when Spencer faces the front again. "He's so fucking pretty." He mumbles, sighing as he turns his attention to the back of Spencer's head.

"You're telling me." I say, and I know we're talking about two different people. Patrick laughs at something Spencer says, and I feel butterflies in my stomach and my breath hitch at the look on his face. He's gorgeous.

"We will have a partnered English assignment due Friday. Two people - picked randomly - will create some characters and write a five page story. That's all you have to do; create characters and write." Mr. Holt's nasally voice rings through the classroom, and everyone groans, including me. Fuck a group project. I always get put with someone who doesn't want to do their work, forcing me to use my whole class before to do the paper. And he's only giving us two days to do it. "Stump." He calls, holding his hand out. Patrick sighs and takes the grey baseball cap off of his head, tossing it to Holt. He puts everyone's names in the hat and pulls out two at a time. I drown everyone out until I hear my name. "Wentz, your partner will be Smith."

"Fuck yeah." I mumble to myself, glad that I get someone that's going to help with the paper. Spencer turns around and smiles at me, nodding since he's probably thinking the same thing.

"Weekes and Stump." Dallon sighs dramatically at that, knowing he'll have to do all of the work with Patrick being his partner.

Patrick turns back to look at the two of us, smiling softly when we lock eyes. He looks so open without a hat on, as if he's revealing all of his secrets. He won't even let me push his hat off when we're kissing, but here he is in the middle of class without a hat on.

"Get with your partners now, and discuss how and when you'll work together on this assignment." Mr. Holt says, sitting down in his chair and pulling out his copy of The Great Gatsby.

Spencer and Patrick both come back to where Dallon and I are sitting, and the guy sitting in front of me immediately scrambles when Patrick walks up. The girl sitting in front of Dallon looks oblivious until Patrick crouches in front of her desk, flashing his award winning smile at her.

"Hey, sweetie, you think I could sit there for a few minutes? I'll make it quick." Patrick reaches up to push a piece of hair out of her face, and she flushes bright red before nodding and moving up a seat.

"You are a god among men, Patrick Stump." Dallon says, laughing when Patrick does a bow.

"I wonder how you get girls to like you even when they know you're gay as hell." Spencer says, smiling when Patrick shrugs.

"The girls have always liked me. I've just never liked them." Patrick says simply, turning the desk around to face Dallon before sitting in it. He sits sideways so he's facing Spencer and I. "So we can all just meet at my house." Patrick says, licking his lips when I look up at him.

"Or Dallon can meet at your's, and Spencer can come to mine." I fire back, smiling sweetly at Patrick, whose eyes are narrowed at me.

"Dallon, Spencer," He says, biting the inside of his cheek, "you'll have to excuse Pete and I for a second. We need to speak." He gets up and holds a hand out to me, and I ignore it, standing up on my own and walking towards the door. Holt is so engrossed in the book he's read probably a million times he doesn't notice Patrick and I slip out of the door and into the hallway.

"What?" I spit, crossing my arms and tapping my foot. Patrick raises an eyebrow at me, grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of view of the cameras. I step back towards the wall, and he follows.

"Baby." He says when my back hits the wall, only a few steps away from me. "I'm sorry."

"Is that what you say to all of the boys to get them crawling back into your bed?" I say, and I don't know why I'm trying to drag this fight out. I don't want to date Patrick either.

"No, I usually break out what four years of French class taught me." Patrick says honestly, taking a step closer. "Would that work, mon chéri?" My breath hitches in my throat. Patrick knows French? "You liked that, mon amour?" He's smiling, like he knows he's got me on that one.

"Fuck." I mumble to myself, stepping closer to Patrick. "Wipe that grin off of your face."

"Why don't you do it for me, princess?" He smiles even wider, as if to tease me.

"Shut up." I say, pulling him into me and kissing him. He kisses me back immediately, gripping my waist tightly and pulling me flush against him.

"Fuck, do you know what you do to me?" He asks, rolling his hips into mine, his hard on digging into my thigh. I gasp, pressing back into him. "A simple fucking kiss has me wanting you on your back under me. I wanna take care of you. I'd fucking worship you, baby, you know that?"

"Fuck me." I whine, and Patrick laughs, pulling away to kiss my forehead.

"I'm sure you'd like that just as much as I would, but right now, we need to go back in there and discuss what we're doing after school." Patrick says, absentmindedly fixing his hair as he speaks.

"You could do me." I say, smiling at Patrick's blush. He smiles, shaking his head.

"I don't know. I like teasing you too much to just go straight to that." He says, licking his lips. I fix my own hair, and he opens the door for me, letting me go in first.

No one pays attention to us except Spencer and Dallon, who both have knowing looks on their faces. "Jesus, what exactly did you do in the hallway?" Dallon asks, laughing when I blush. Patrick smiles smugly and drops into the seat in front of Dallon. Spencer high fives him and winks at me.

"So, I suppose we're meeting at Patrick's?" Spencer asks, but we all know it's rhetorical. He just laughs when I nod, throwing his head back.

ok another update the sex part will b coming i promise

thanks 4 reading


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