Chapter 26 - This is our Fight (Part 5/5)

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Sniper - Akashi's POV

Somehow I find myself back inside the building. The last thing I remember was that I was running away from Ushijima's sight. I think i'm on the top floor somewhere. It's too quiet. I stop running and check my surroundings. It's dark but small bits of light leak here and there. All is quiet and remains that way, that is, until I hear the slow pace of someone walking down the next corridor. Their heavy boots making echoes in the chilling silence. I feel myself freeze. I start shaking when I see a looming shadow about to turn the corner. Just when I snap back to my senses, I just barely have enough time to make a quick escape. My long sniper rifle attached to my back doesn't make it any easier or quieter when running. The loud clicking of the gun and the thumping of my uneven footsteps makes me an easy target, and my only option is to hide. 

I find a small room filled with boxes and sheets. I slip in and clamber over the boxes, throwing a tarp over me and being as quiet as possible. I place my hand over my mouth and use the other to hold the gun tight to my chest. I grip the gun harder when I hear the oh so familiar footsteps approaching and the door slowly creak open. The footsteps enter the room and stop suddenly. I feel the need to breath, my chest turning tight and my heart racing. I feel light headed and find myself shaking.

"What do I do?" I thought to myself.

The footsteps started again, this time even slower than before, getting louder...and louder until they stop right in front of me. I feel my heart sink. This is it for me, i'm a goner. Things start popping up in my head about what it's going to be like after i'm gone. Bokuto...he'll have no one to look after him. My team, all my friends. My family that I promised i'd keep fighting for. It's all about to slip away right in front of me. Then, with great force the tarp over my head is ripped off. Then my whole world turns into slow motion. A large black silhouette in front of me reaches down and grabs me by my neck. He lifts me up to eye level and my gun slips off my back onto the floor. I grab his hands and start pulling at them, I can't breathe. I feel myself choking and the room starts to spin. 

"Let-M-ee- Go!" I struggle.

"Now, now little owl. I'm not gonna kill you just yet, let's have some first~" He whispers into my ear and dropped me to the floor. My eyes had adjusted to the darkness now and I could see his smirk clearly. It was definitively Ushijima. He had me pinned to the ground and was now on top of me. He whispered crazy things into my ear and continued licking it. I knew I wasn't strong enough to get past him. I had to get out of this another way. Then, a light bulb turns on. Ushijima begins rubbing my side and playing with me in places i'd only ever imagined Bokuto would touch. I cry out in fear and roll over onto my side, that's when my walkie talkie clicks on and now everyone can hear me.

"Get off me!" I yell out.

"Aww come on little birdie." Ushijima whines and pulls out a knife, placing it close to my head. "Kageyama has been locked up for so long I've had no one to play with."

"My team will find me and when they do you're done for jackass!" I shout, but am soon silenced when he forces his tongue down my throat making me squirm. 

Front Line Squad - Bokuto's POV

"The bastard has Akaashi!" I yell, running in the opposite direction to go look for him. The signal was strong, which means he can't be far away. It sounded like they were in a room, so he can't be outside.

"Bokuto wait!" I hear Kuroo call from the end the hall.

I don't listen to him, he has Akaashi and i'm going to save him. I swore that I would protect him no matter what and that's what i'm going to do. Suddenly, I hear the voices again, not through my walkie talkie but through my own ears. I run in the direction they're coming from and burst into a small storage room. Ushijima is all over Akaashi and just started to stop his clothes. 

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