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Jaeun's POV

I closed my eyes , expecting the worst. I heard a few screams and I opened my eyes to see Daehwi and Jinyoung punching Yangsin.

Seolhyun ran to me while Hanbyul went to Yewon and slapped her. My eyes widened , I didn't know there were actually so many people around.

" Are you okay ? " All of them came to me and I nodded with a smile. They sighed in relieve. I'm really glad to have them as my friend and I would never ever leave them.

" You must never be out of our sight ! " Jinyoung said and I rolled my eyes. Does he thinks i'm still that young Jaeun that cries for Jinyoung ?


When I was younger I would cry every single time I get bullied. Jinyoung would reprimand the person for me but the thing is , that's the past and now is the present. He always talked about it and it made people thinks that I have a crush on him.

" But we are in different school. " I said like it was a. after of fact and then all of their faces light up.

" We are transferring to your school ! "

My eyes widened.

I didn't expect them to transfer school just for me. I'm not someone famous , I'm just me. But if they are in my school , you could already sense who would girls haunt on.

We sat at Daehwi's house in a circle and we were contemplating if we should report it to the police and by ' we ' , I meant me.

" I don't k- " Suddenly a hand grabbed my phone and started dialing the number.

" Ya ! Kang Hanbyul ! " I tried to snatch the phone away but she insist on calling the police. Apparently it's reportable , according to Hanbyul's mom.

" Yeah , Hi. I just want to report about someone trying to harm my friend. " My eyes widened and I saw Daehwi and the rest laughing silently.

" Yeah , Sure , her name is Han Yewon. " She hanged up after like a few minutes and everyone burst into laughter except for me.

" You can't let her think that she won you. If she does it once , she would do it twice. Same as Yansin cause in Chinese , his heartless. " The only person that is studying Chinese is Hanbyul so we don't get half of her jokes.

" Heartless in Chinese is 沒良心 ( méi liáng xīn ) and his name is Yangsin. " We got it so we burst into laughter.

The next day , I changed into my uniform and went to school to hear girls and guys screaming. Over what ? It's obviously My friends.

I'm proud.

" Oh look ! It's Jaeun ! " Daehwi screamed as he points to me and everyone looked at me. My friends ran to me with wide smiles on their faces and it made me feel loved.

They dragged me around the school , making me introduce them to the facilities in the school as if i'm a tour guide.

I realised I was in the same class as all of them , call it coincidental or whatever but it is indeed coincidental and you can't deny that.

Okay , Maybe you can.

As we entered the class , students were screaming while my friends waved , enjoying their current popularity.

" Get away from them ! " Someone threw a bottle at me , I was going to ignore it when Hanbyul steps up.

" Who are you to ask her to get away from us ? We are best friends and if there were to be someone that should get away , it should be you. " She said with her swag face.

Daehwi started cheering and Jinyoung followed after. Suddenly , the class burst into claps sounds.

" Gross. " Someone said , We looked around to see Yewon walking in with her disgusted face. Someone stepped up but I realised it's not Hanbyul but it's Seolhyun.

The thing is that Seolhyun is an extremely shy girl that is like your perfect girl next door. She's extremely well-mannered and she's just the type that tends to avoid fights.

" Why are you saying your own name out loud ? we all know who you are. " She smiled. All of us were stunned , We have never seen Seolhyun this cool !

" I Believe one fits their name best , Since Gross definitely fits you extremely well. " Yewon glared at her in frustration as she stomped to the back of the class.

" Lee Seolhyun ! Lee Seolhyun ! " Daehwi began chanting , all of us followed after. Seolhyun gave us a proud smile before they began introducing themselves.

I guess , i'm really glad to have friends like them. Without them , I would be stepped on like i'm some kind of garbage that isn't worth anything.

I looked over at Guanlin and realised his looking at me. I smiled at him but he simply look away. I rolled my eyes and focused on the teacher since i'm such a good student.


When Lunch Break is here , everyone scattered around the class and ran to the cafeteria since it's pretty darn crowded during lunch.

I saw Yewon and Guanlin walking to the cafeteria , laughing while talking. They seemed really happy about it , that's when I realised Yewon might actually used me.

When Guanlin walked to get some food , I walked over to Yewon and she smirked at me. She looked over at Guanlin and back at me.

" Did you use me ? " She scoffed.

" Did you just realised ? I've never had thoughts of being your friend , you and me are different world. " She chuckled.

" I-I can't believe you ! " I screamed.

Suddenly she took the near by drink and poured it all over her head. She started screaming and everyone look at us.

" W-What are you doing ? " I asked but she kept crying like it's some kind of skit.



I turned around and saw Guanlin standing with his tray of food as he glared at me. He placed his food down and glared at me even harder.

He grabbed Yewon's hand and he brought her to who knows where.

But he said something to me before he left.

" I didn't know you were this shallow. "

30th June 2017

I'm going for my surgery now ㅠㅠ wish me luck guys !! :(

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