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Last Chapter :)

Jaeun's POV

I heard the doorbell rang as I ran to the door and opened it to see a figure standing by the door with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

" And your here , without food ? " I pout and he held up a bag of fried chicken in his hand and a smile immediately was shown on my face.

I grabbed his hand and dragged him in after holding the flowers for him.

" Which do you like best ? " He asked , referring to the chicken , him and the flowers. I smiled and pointed at the chicken.

He pouted and walked away.

I ran after him and sat beside him.

" Chicken for you ? " I held up a drumstick and he started laughing and he ruffled my hair playfully.

" How can I be mad at you ? " I shrugged as he grabbed the drumstick and bit into it.

" So how's life ? " I asked and he chuckled.

" My life became so much better after I see your face , it also made my heart race a million times faster. " He wrapped his arms around my waist.

" I don't know why but I love you so much. " I hugged him back and we looked like two koalas hugging onto a tree trunk.

Our CEOs agreed in letting us date and we released an official statement about it. There's definitely fans hating on us , especially me since i'm the girl and Guanlin has many fans.

Some of My fans got mad because they felt betrayed at the fact that I didn't tell them earlier which I obviously don't have a choice.

" My life became so much better after seeing chicken in my house. " I said and he pout as he placed his chin on my shoulder.

" And you too. " He pecked me secretly and he started running around the apartment.

I chased after him.

" Lai Guanlin ! " I screamed as I almost fell and he caught me as if we are in a drama.

" Are you okay ? " I nodded.

We went to the couch and we sat down again , with chicken in our hands. We turned on Running man and started eating while watching.

My dream is to go to running man and partner Jaeseok. I don't know if it's just me but my favourite member is Jaeseok.

He just seemed so fun even though his really unlucky.

I met him once at the backstage and his really friendly. He said that he would recommend me to the producer of running man so that running man team would scout us.

" Kwangsoo is my spirit animal. " Guanlin said and I nodded as I opened the chips and popped one into his mouth.

Suddenly my phone rang and I looked over at the clock. It's 3pm in the afternoon and my manager called me.

" Jaeun-ah , Running man wants to cast JAIE as guests for their next episode ! " My eyes widened and I stood up.

I quickly went to get ready since the shoot for running man is today and I just got that notification from my manager.

" Aw I have to leave you now. " Guanlin pouted as he looked over at his watch and realised he have to leave for his schedule too.

Both of us went separate ways and when JAIE reached the venue for the shoot , I spotted Wanna One at the other side of the venue.

" Jaeun ! " Jinyoung and Daehwi waved to me and I ran over to them. It turns out that they are supposed to shoot the running man episode with us too.

The shooting began.

" Let's split groups shall we ? " Jaeseok said as he suggested us to do the hand flip game since it's by luck.

" Which group do you guys want to go to ? " Somin asked all of us.

" Jaeseok Oppa's Team ! " I said and their jaws all dropped except Jaeseok's. They burst into laughter and teased Jaeseok.

When we did the hand flip , I was put into the same group as Jisung , Jaeseok and Jihyo. I smiled as I realised I got everyone that I like.

We are split into four people per group so there is six groups in total.

Today's mission is ' food over money. '

It basically means that each round , we have a choice of choosing if we want to use our money on food or for something else.

At the end of the race , there will be a chance for us to purchase somethings.

Close to two hours had passed...

It's time for the last race and everyone of us are waiting in our own individual waiting room.

When the alarm went off , we started running trying to search for clues to earn money. I started running to the left and I saw a figure of someone from the blue team.

I ran the other time and someone from the yellow team appeared.

That's when I realised , 20 seconds into the game and i'm already surrounded by people.

Jihyo ran to me and saved me from them.

We started running away from them and we finally lost them after much tries and hard work.

" It's so hot in here. " I said as they are heads of sweat rolling off the side of my forehead. I wiped it away using my sleeves and I started running again.

I ran to the second level and suddenly everyone surround me , even my group mates .

Is it secret mission today ?

Suddenly someone from the pink team walked out and it turns out to be Guanlin. He was holding a piece of paper in his hand.

" Kim Jaeun , I have no intention of hiding our relationship and not being able to act like how we want to outside. Even though we revealed our relationship but it's hard to even say hi outside. " He said as he continued.

" You made my heart beats so quickly that I could feel the heat. Without you , I wouldn't be that cheerful kid everyone sees now , i would still be grumpy. " He smiled.

" I don't care how many coloured papers do you have in your wallet or how many digits you have in your bank. All I care about is whether you have conscious in your heart. " He said.

" Anyways , I just want to show how much I truly love you. " He hugged me and I hugged him back tightly.

Everyone clapped.

A few days later , that video clip of Guanlin reading our his speech went viral and the hashtag #guanlinproposingjaeun went viral too.

" Did you regret ? " I asked him since his getting some hates for ruining their running man time.

" I don't , as long as I am with you , I would do anything. "

8th September 2017

Thank you so much !!

It's going to reach 20k soon and i'm speechless !

It's really late now so i got to go !!

Bye and hearts for you !! <3

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