Spoof Twenty-Six

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Firestar: *laying on a couch with paws folded* *sighs* why is life so cruel

Brambleclaw: *writing in a notebook* in what ways?

Firestar: why must we kill to eat? Why can't we become friends with every creature that exists?

Brambleclaw: I see...but it's the circle of life

Jayfeather: *in front of a them* and here we have Firestar, who is depressed about the circle of life......again

Brambleclaw: uh, Jayfeather, what exactly are you doing?

Jayfeather: well, a group of fangirls wouldn't leave me alone until I showed them around

Fangirls: *crowding around Firestar* omg it's him it's really him!

Brambleclaw: *facepaw* -_- well now is not a good time. Did you forget about the poppy seeds?

Jayfeather: they don't work on fangirls. You're the blind one if you didn't notice fangirls are hoomans

Brambleclaw: -_-

Audience: ooooh roasted!!!!

Jayfeather: also they threatened to break my wife in half

Firestar: *leaps up and eyes glow red* *growling* dont you dare speak of the wife

Jayfeather: well I just dared

Audience: ooooh roasted!!!!

Cloudtail: ooooh Jayfeather can roast like a boss!!!

Firestar: *getting mad* well don't you dare do it again

Jayfeather: stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick

Firestar: *explodes*

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