Boring Year.

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Thomas had been the sitting in that hospital for a year.

His stupid cough was the reason for all of this.

That one stupid cough.

Every second felt like a minute. Every minute felt like an hour. Every hour felt like a day. Every day felt like a month. Every month felt like a year. You get the idea.

So since there's 12 months in a year he had felt like he had been in the hospital for 12 years.

But that was the least of his problems.

His heart was slowly recovering and in a years time his heart was almost back to normal and he could take the medicine without much problems.

This was good, But he still needed to stay for 1 more month to make sure he's 100% fine.

The worst problem in this entire ride of emotions and pain was leaving Minho and Newt.

The two that loves him the most. The two that wouldn't let him die. The ones who cared for him and visited everyday even if they were yelled at from slacking off. And most importantly, the ones who never gave up on him. Never.

And Thomas kept that in mind every time he missed them. And thought about if he should actually kill himself or not.

But the voice wouldn't have that. He would creep up in his mind and be a poison spreading everywhere.

No one would truly understand what he's going through.

Not even Minho and Newt.

But even then he kept trying to keep positive and smile when someone came. Even though sometimes he had to force that smile.

And he kept trying. He has to.

Once the med-jacks had left, Minho and Newt came in with food.

"Hey Tommyboy!" Minho said

"How are you feeling Tommy?" Newt asked

Thomas smiled warmly at them "fine. I should be out within a month from now if there's no problems in between."

"Great. We really miss you Tommy." Newt said

"Ya. Can't wait to have you home and we can all be together again." Minho said

"Trust me. I'm more happier then anyone else here. Can't wait to see color instead of white all the time. And I won't be alone when I sleep in the nights when I come home." Thomas said

Minho and Newt chuckled and handed Thomas a salad

"Oh ya. And I can't forget the hell of not being able to eat any thing but salad and fruits with water." Thomas said

They all laughed and talked all night. To some people this would be regular. But to Thomas it was heaven. Pure heaven.

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