Idea 7

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This is less of an idea and more of a sharing of awesome new words I've stumbles across on the internet I would like to share, simply because I think it would be great if people other than me talked like this;

-Erinaceous- adj referring to someone who resembles an ostrich

-Nudiustertian- refers to the day before yesterday (I looked for the word for this because it was bothering me and it exists. Here's an example of it in a sentence, in case you are lost as to how to use it- On that nudiustertian morning, I had a cup of tea)

-Pauciloquent- noun referring to someone who doesn't say much

-Paraph- a flourish after a signature

-Gardyloo- so long long ago in London, before the sewage system was invented, people used to attend to their toiletry duties in a bucket, referred to as their 'slop bucket'. Then they chucked it out of their windows onto the roads and poor unsuspecting pedestrians who happened to be bumbling by. This was a problem and said pedestrians (believe it or not) did not take kindly to being ambushed by feces, so Londoners came up with the decision that they should stop this atrocious practice, they came up with the solution that before hauling their slop bucket out of the window(if you were actually reading you would know what a slop bucket is by now), they would yell the battle cry of 'Gardyloo' as a warning to anyone below. Obviously, tourists and animals could not understand this and people on carriages and horseback could not simply step out of the way, , but this was as far as we were willing to go. Why do you need to know this? I find it amusing to see this yelled to those argued with, as a warning for forthcoming or impending doom, because this way it is later excused with the notion that they were, indeed, warned of the oncoming verbal diarrhea that was about to spurt from the prosecutor's mouth.. do excuse the graphic description.

-sternutator- something that causes sneezing. Like a feather.

-Abibliophobia- the fear of running out of things to read. It is a common one ;p.

-Flibbertigibbet- someone who is silly and talks unnecessarily.

Ok folks, enjoy confusing your comrades, as I must depart.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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