Chapter 1

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It was the 16th of October and Mark and I had planned to stay at Jacks and joke around for some fun Halloween style videos. I've been on the plane for quite a while and I'm so glad we're about to land but Mark won't be here for another hour or 2 so I have to wait at the airport until he gets here. Really I don't have too but I don't want Jack driving 2 trips. It's just a waste of money and gas.

Once the plane landed I took my sweet ol' time to get my bags. It's not like I'm in any rush really. I grab my bags and find my way to the food court area. I hadn't eaten anything for about 4 hours and I. Am. Starving! I head to a McDonalds and just order something I can eat semi quickly cause I want to try and call Jack while I wait for Mark.

I dial Jacks number and hold the phone to my ear as it starts ringing. As soon as he picks up he decides to scream in my ear, "Top of the mornin to ya Y/N!"

"God damn it Jack! My fucking ears!" I yell jokingly. I hear his happy go lucky laugh through the phone and he replies,

"Sorry N/N (Nick name. Just incase you didnt know) You know how I get when I'm excited!"

"I know I know" I chuckled, "So, how's it been? Did Mark tell you when he was getting here?" I asked.

"I believe in an hour or 2. Aren't you already here at the airport?" He questioned.

"Yeah but- Wait. Are you here?"

"Y/N," The call ended after he said my name.

"Jack! Grrr you prick!" I yelled, chuckling a bit. He's so silly.

"I didn't know you thought I was such a thing!" I heard the Irish accent flow through my ears. I turned around in my chair and saw Jack as he grabbed me and lifted me up from my seat.

"JACK!" I squealed, "You suck! Put my down you ass!"

I kept laughing, "Nah. I think my friend needs a well deserved hug!" He hugged me tight and I could barely breath.

"J-Jack. Choking!" I laughed as I also gasped for air. He set me down and laughed.

"Sorry again Y/N. You know-"

"I know Jack. It's cause youre excited." I sat down and Jack sat next to me as we started talking about what we had planned for these next couple weeks.

~After Mark gets off the plane and you 3 are in the car~

As we were on our way to Jacks house I was chilling in the back seat of Jacks car while Mark and him were catching up in the front. All of a sudden I heard Imagine Dragons Whatever it Takes come on and I jumped in my seat.

"OH MY GOD TURN IT UP!" I screamed and made Mark jump as Jack laughed and turned up the radio. 'THIS SONG FUCKING DESCRIBES ME!!! LIKE OH MY GOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA!" I started singing along and to the song and the boys were slightly suprised I could keep up with the fast paced lyrics. But as soon as the chorus came on we were all singing and jamming as we pulled into Jacks driveway. He shut off the car and we all started laughing at our stupidity.

I climbed out of the car and grabbed my bag from the trunk after Mark grabbed his.

"So, whats first!? After Mark and I get set up of course." I said excitedly

"Why don't we do a skit of some kind? Ya know. Get the whole halloweeny kinda feel." Mark suggested.

"Sounds perfect! Lets get you 2 set up and started!" Jack shouted, unlocking his door. He showed us to our rooms. I got into my bag that had my spare laptop and camera first and set that up. It took a bit longer than I expected but whatever. I took my GoPro out and set it on the desk as I got a couple more things from my bag. I decided to change into something more comfy so I changed from my jeans and flannel to sweat pants and a hoody. Jack's house was kinda cold for some reason. Odd.

I opened my door and walked down the hall to the stairs to see Jack and Mark on the couch. "Yo guys!" I yelled and they looked up at me. "We gonna do this or what?"

"Shit I almost forgot! Jack! Whats the plan?" Mark yells, getting up and running to the stairs.

"Uhm. I didn't think of that yet. But we'll figure it out. Come on guys." Jack replies, rushing to the stairs. I laugh a bit and hurry back to my room, as do the guys to theirs. We shut our doors at the same time and Jack starts the group Skype call with Mark, him, and I in it.


ALRIGHTY GUYS! This story is going to get better! Don't worry! I just came up with the idea 3 minutes before I started typing! I hope y'all like it so far! This is Jordan, signing out!

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