Chapter 9

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My heart was pounding and my eyes were swollen with tears. The only thing on my mind was Jack... I hurt him. Probably killed him... How could I do that to him!?

"Well well well... I see N/N is exactly as we left her. And I see Y/D/N caught us another play mate." I heard that demonic Irish accent ring though my ears. I opened my eyes as much as I could to see Anti and Y/D/N standing beside Mark who was unconscious on the ground, directly next to Jack who was starting to heal but most likely to just be tortured again. I kept silent besides my slight sobs as I tried my hardest to crawl over to Jack. I nudged him lightly, trying to wake him up.

"Jack... P-Please wake up..." I whispered. "I-I'm so sorry I d-did this to you..." I rested my hand on his head as my fingers tangled up in his hair. "So... So sorry Jack..."

I suddenly felt a cold hand grab me by the throat and lift me from the ground. "Sorry to burst your little bubble N/N, but Jacks gone." He had that fake look of sadness in his eyes and I couldn't force myself to look away. I knew he was trying to get to me, and he always manages to find a way into my head.  I heard slight movement from where Jack and Mark were laying but I still couldn't look towards them. Something was forcing my eyes to meet with Anti's and my heart was racing with fear.

Jack's POV

I was regaining consciousness slowly but I felt a hand on my head and heard muffled words. It felt so quick as that hand left my head. I opened my eyes ever so slightly and saw one blur holding another. As my vision cleared I saw Anti holding Y/N by the throats and there was Y/D/N standing in the corner, laughing to herself. Mark was unconscious next to me and Anti kept his eyes in line with Y/N's.  "Jacks gone." Is the first thing I heard clearly. I growled under my breath and tried my best to stand. I thought she would've looked over by now but she just kept staring into Anti's black and septic eyes.

"Y/N!" I tried to yell, but my voice was crackly and weak. It was barely even there. There was no response from either of them. I went to call for her again but someone grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth so I couldn't say anything. I glanced back and saw Y/D/N with a wicked grin wrapping around her head.

"Shh Jacky. Let them have their moment, and then we can have ours." She giggled insanely. I looked back at Y/N and Anti, seeing that she was struggling to breath. I tried my hardest to get away from this demon but her grip was to strong for me in this state.

"Say goodnight N/N." Anti laughed sinisterly. She blinked one last time and Anti's hand tightened again as her body went completely limp and almost lifeless. I went wide eyes as her eyes slowly closed and Anti dropped her to the ground.

"NO!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "Y/N!" I felt the tears in my eyes form so quickly I never had a chance to hold them back. She laid there motionless. I couldn't see any sign of her breathing at all. She was just... there... I felt the pressure of Y/D/N's grip loosen and I ran to Y/N's side. I fell to my knees next to her and lifted her head into my lap, checking for a pulse. I found one but it was so slow... It was barely even a pulse anymore... I glared at Anti who was now standing over me with a twisted smile plastered on his face.

"Well she's a goner isn't she. So sad. She was a pretty girl too. Great play mate if you ask me." He laughed. I, on the other hand, gritted my teeth and growled. "Aww does Jackaboi actually think he can do something about it??" I was overflowing with anger. I jumped at Anti and held him by the throat like he did to Y/N.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HER!" I snarled and tightened my grip and he just chuckled and Y/D/N pulled me off of him, almost breaking my arm in the process. I yelped at the pain and tried to get her off of me.

"I'm a demon Jack. You know that! How couldn't I do that to her?" He put his hands on either side of my head and looked me strait in the eyes. "And if I really felt like it, I could snap your little neck right now, but I need you alive. Y/D/N hasn't had her fun yet."

"Come on Jacky! We're gonna have a blast!" She squealed as she dug her claws into my arm and neck. I winced as it made her claws go deeper and deeper. I fell to the ground and she ripped the claws from my flesh. If I could I would've screamed. The pain was unbearable, and I couldn't do anything about it. She pulled me up by my hair and snapped her fingers, causing me to loose consciousness once again.


I couldn't see, but I could hear, just the slightest little things. I heard Jack yell my name after my vision went black. I felt him lift my head into his lap, and I felt him get pulled away. God I hope he's okay... Please... Please Jack... Be alright...

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