Chapter 6

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Jack's POV

I felt myself start to wake up after that beating Anti put me though. I sat up weakly and rubbed my head, feeling my blood stained hair. I opened my eyes and looked around. I saw Y/N chained to my bed and I was on my floor. I stood up and went to run towards her but I was tugged back. I looked and saw I was chained to the wall by my wrists and ankles. I tried to pull out of them but they only got tighter. I looked back at Y/N and saw she was twitching.

"Y/N!" I yelled. I saw Anti appear next to her and he smirked at her. "Leave her alone Anti!" He looked over at me and grinned.

"You do know I can always put you to use too." I flinched but stood my ground.

"What would you use me for huh? You know I've hidden you since last Halloween. I can do it again."

Anti just chuckled. "You do know, that I'm stronger than you." He flashed infront of me and grabbed my throat. I coughed and gasped for air as he lifted me off the ground. "And you seem to have feelings for that child so... I could technically help you out." He smirked again and dropped me. I put my hand to my throat and breathed deeply.

"I'll... Pass." Anti growled at my response and kicked me in the stomach. I growled and looked up at him.

"I guess I get her all to myself!" He laughed and teleported back to her. He snapped his fingers and Y/N started to wake up.

"Please dont hurt her!" I pleaded. Y/N looked up and saw Anti. Her face filled with fear as she tried to move away"

"A-Anti please..." She stuttered and kept struggling against the restraints. Anti chuckled and jumped onto the bed right infront of me. I growled and pulled on my restraints again, which only resulted in them getting even tighter. I stopped and sighed, knowing I couldn't help her.

"Sorry Jackaboy, but N/N and I need some alone time. So if you don't mind-"

"No! Anti dont you dare!" I yelled, but felt extremely weak and Anti looked back and smirked at me. I felt my eyes getting heavy and I let them close as everything faded.


"JACK!" I yelled as I watched him go limp against the wall. I looked at Anti who was on top of me, a lustful look on his face. "Anti please..."

"Oh, so youre asking for it? I thought I'd have to convince you." He grinned and sat on my abdomin. I flinched a bit as I was still sore.

"You really think I want something like this from you?! You're insane!" I suddenly felt Anti's hand on my head and saw multiple images of Jack and I together. I smiled and felt my face heat up. Then I jumped and came back to reality. Anti was shirtless and was hovering over me.

"And you're insane for thinking you and Jacky could be together." He growled. "This is our time, and you're going to enjoy it~." I struggled against the restraints once more but Anti didn't like that so he slid one hand up my shirt. I jumped as took one claw from his other hand and cut my shirt off. I wanted this to stop.

"Anti please don't..." I was so scared. He just shook his head and traced my top half slowly, actually being careful of his claws. I shivered and kept fighting. He growled and slid a hand down my pants, slightly tugging them off. I whimpered until his hand found my area and I jumped in shock. Anti rubbed slowly and I held my breath. I didn't want this. "Jack! Jack please wake up!" I screamed. Anti put his other hand against my mouth as he kept rubbing me but he picked up the pace. I whimpered again and looked in his demonic eyes, pleading for him to stop. He shook his head and pulled down my underwear.

"I said you were going to enjoy this. So stop fighting it." He growled. I whimpered and kept trying to think of something to help me out. What about Mark? I thought. "What did I say about fight this N/N?" I was shocked for a second. I forgot Anti could read minds.

"I'll never stop fighting! MARK!" I screamed. Anti put his hand to my mouth and I tried to push him off of me but my restraints kept me down. I kept trying to call for Mark but it wasn't working.

"Y/N?" I heard a muffled voice from outside the door. The door knob jiggled and I started to make noise with the chains as I was still struggling to get up. "Y/N?! Is that you in there?!"

I bit Anti's hand and he flinched it back. "YES! GOD MARK FUCKING HE-" Anti slapped me and covered my mouth again. I heard the slamming of the door and Anti was using some type of force to keep it shut.

"You lucky son of a bitch. I'll get you soon. So you better be ready N/N~" Anti smirked he disappeared. Mark came crashing through the door and i tried desperately to cover myself.

"M-Mark! D-Don't look over here. I-I uh..." I didnt wanna exactly say why but I mean. I didn't want him to see me either.

"Wait, wh- oh..." God damn it Mark what did I just say?! Stupid guys... I growled and glared at him. "S-Sorry Y-Y/N..." He looked away and I could tell his face was extremely red.

"J-Just uh... Just get me out of the chains... Please." I begged. He backed up to me and carefully removed the chain restraints from my wrists and let me get my ankles so he wouldnt see anything. "Uhm... Thanks." I said. "I-Im gonna head to my room now. Could you help Jack?"

"OH! Of course. I-I'm uh. I-I'm sorry about.. Uh... That." Mark replied.

"I-Its fine. D-Don't worry about it." I walked out of the room quickly and went to my room. I shut the door and quickly got my clothes on. Then, I sat on my bed, wanting to cry but I didnt. I laid down and went to sleep, hoping no one would be in my bed when I woke up.

Unless Jack was the one I woke up to.


So guys, I've got some bad news. I've finally started full band practices and Band camp is next week. Idk when I'll update but I hope to keep up during school but I can't promise anything at all. Again I'm sorry. This is Jordan, signing out.

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